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Josh Duggar’s molestation scandal was easily one of the worst in the history of the Duggar family. Not only did it lead to the cancellation of 19 Kids and Counting, but it also alienated Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s oldest son from the rest of the family. Considering the consequences of Josh’s behavior, it is no surprise that the Duggars did everything in their power to cover it up. Here are all of the ways in which the Duggar clan tried to brush Josh’s molestation scandal under the rug.

Josh Duggar
Josh Duggar | Photo by D Dipasupil/Getty Images for Extra

The Duggars seek legal help

After they discovered that Josh Duggar had molested five underage girls, Jim Bob and Michelle turned to their church for spiritual advice. A few select members of their congregation knew about what happened, and one of them claims that the couple was devastated by the situation.

Despite their concerns, Jim Bob and Michelle immediately reached out to their lawyers to help keep everything quiet – and members of their church were more than willing to support their endeavors.

“Older men within the church immediately jumped in to help Jim Bob hide everything as much as possible,” a source shared. “They all tried to hire lawyers to keep Josh’s touching of younger girls under wraps.”

The Duggars clearly wanted to keep a tight lid on the situation and were willing to do anything in their power to keep Josh’s behavior a secret. It should be noted that the Duggars’ church was originally held within the confines of their home, which would explain why everyone was so keen on helping them cover it up. It is unclear how much the church members knew about the incident, but they all managed to keep it a secret for well over a decade.

Josh Duggar courts Anna

Shortly after Josh’s molestation scandal, Jim Bob and Michelle reportedly pushed hard for his courtship with Anna. According to Radar Online, Anna knew some of the details about what happened, though she may not have been aware of everything he did. Either way, her courtship with Josh was viewed as something that was arranged by both of their families.

The Duggars apparently thought that a relationship would solve most of Josh’s issues. When they hosted a celebration of Josh’s new courtship, they mentioned his past behavior and how much he had changed after meeting Anna.

For the most part, Anna appeared to go along with everything that was happening, but inside sources claim that she had no idea that some of the girls Josh molested were his own sisters. She also had no idea that Josh was addicted to porn, something he says was a driving force behind the cheating scandals that would rock their marriage years later.

Josh Duggar undergoes physical changes

In addition to dating Anna, Jim Bob and Michelle openly punished Josh for molesting five underage girls. The source claims that the couple shaved Josh’s head in front of their entire church. Josh reportedly cried throughout the ordeal and did not want to lose any of his hair. But some of the church elders told him that if he did not cooperate, then one of his victims would be allowed to participate in the said shaving.

With his head freshly shaved, members of the church allegedly prayed over Josh in a bid for him to change his wicked ways. They even partnered him with an older member, who was tasked with helping him get over his addiction to porn. The family also took measures to prevent any future molesting. To that end, Josh was not allowed to be alone with other children, though he apparently broke the rules on several occasions.

Inside Josh Duggar’s disturbing sex life

Despite their efforts, the Duggars ultimately failed to change Josh and keep his molestation scandal a secret. An old OK Cupid profile of Josh also reveals the depth of his disturbing sex life. In his profile, Josh admitted that he had not been faithful in his relationships and that he expected sex from his partner, even after their first introduction.

Josh, of course, was busted for cheating on Anna shortly after his molestation scandal leaked to the press. His behavior also lead to the cancellation of the family’s hit show, 19 Kids and Counting.

Josh Duggar has not commented on the latest rumors surrounding her controversial past.