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The Duggar family isn’t really known for taking their education all that seriously. The family focuses a lot of their time and efforts on religious instruction and decided to homeschool all of their kids. In fact, fans have been concerned about the educational backgrounds of the Duggar family for years. Derick Dillard, Jill Duggar’s husband, took to social media to call out fans who questioned Jill’s education recently. During his series of clap-backs, he claimed the mother of two has an education beyond her GED but does she really?

Why do the Duggars homeschool their kids?

All 19 of the Duggar kids have been or are currently being homeschooled. The reasoning is simple; traditional school doesn’t focus enough on character development in the Duggar family’s opinion. The Duggars, instead of packing their children onto the bus, made the decision to educate them around the dining room table using an ultra-conservative Christian curriculum.

The Duggar Family
The Duggar family | Photo by Ida Mae Astute/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

According to Romper, the Duggars use a curriculum called A.C.E. It stands for Accelerated Christian Education. The entire curriculum is developed and presented through the lens of Christianity, which clearly appeals to a family like the Duggars. The kids then take tests to obtain a GED. With a GED, the Duggar kids could theoretically go on to a traditional college setting, although none have chosen to do that.

Derick claims Jill Duggar attended Boyce College

Boyce College is a private, Christian college located in Louisville, Kentucky. According to the school’s website, they offer Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in a series of Bible-based programs. Biblical and Theological studies seem to be the most popular program, although the school also offers a certificate specifically for the wives of ministers. 

According to Ok! Magazine, Derick called out a fan, claiming that Jill probably had more college credits than the poster in question. He did stop short at suggesting she has a degree of any sort, though. Fans are incredulous about the claim. Many believe that if Jill had attended a program, especially a Christian college program, the Duggar family would be shouting it from the rooftops. That did not happen.

Jill did, however, study to be a midwife under an apprenticeship program. Her license was revoked when the midwife she worked under had her license rescinded in Arkansas. According to In Touch, Vanessa Rose Giron had her midwifery license rescinded after a botched home birth. Jill Duggar, regardless of her licensing status, was on hand when Jessa Duggar’s third child was born at home. Jessa was later rushed to the hospital.

Will Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard be homeschooling their children?

Jill and Derick look like they’ve chosen to homeschool their children, at least for now. Back in March, the family shared information about the homeschool curriculum they are using for their eldest child, Israel. While he’s only 4, the family is already on top of his education at home.

Jill was pressed about potentially sending the kids to public school, and she noted that she might be open to the idea if they were to specifically ask. It appears, though, that homeschooling is how it’s going to be in the Duggar-Dillard household for the time being. Jill isn’t alone either; Anna Duggar has chosen to homeschool her five children. Anna is currently pregnant with her sixth child.