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Darcey & Stacey recently saw Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva make their way to Turkey for a round of cosmetic procedures and a chance at a restful and recuperative vacation. However, their cheer was cut short when Darcey and Georgi decided to call things off. This turned Darcey’s trip into more of a recovery trip than ever — and Darcey Silva says god helped lead her to Turkey. 

Darcey Silva says god led her to Turkey 

Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva of ‘Darcey & Stacey’
Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva of ‘Darcey & Stacey’ | Brad Barket/Getty Images for Discovery, Inc.

Darcey & Stacey have always liked to “do it big,” as Darcey Silva says. Their trip to Turkey was no exception. The twins decided to get a variety of cosmetic procedures done, as well as enjoy some luxury time in a villa while exploring what Turkey has to offer. 

“I want to sail away, to feel free, not worry about the past, move forward with Stacey and not worry about all the B.S. back home. I just want to let go and feel free,” Darcey Silva said of her trip.

During a chat with E! Online, Darcey Silva revealed that she believes god helped lead her and Stacey Silva to Turkey for their trip. 

“Every step of the way, we knew we had each other as sisters and twins. We knew in the end, going there and coming back, we will always have each others’ backs and whatever happens in our relationships,” Darcey told E!.

“Turkey was a place for us to get stronger, not only as individuals but as twins. We bonded like no other. God led us to Turkey. It was meant to be that way.”

“It was a time where Darcey and I really needed to re-bond again. We made memories for life,” Stacey Silva added.

Darcey and Georgi call it quits during vacation

Unfortunately, the Darcey & Stacey stars had their good times cut short when Darcey Silva decided to ring Georgi Rusev to suss out where the two stand. They had been butting heads recently, and Georgi gave Darcey a salty goodbye when she left for Turkey.

Mix in the fact that Darcey had been hitting up Georgi’s ex-wife, and that Georgi did the same with Jesse Meester, and you have a recipe for disaster. 

“It feels like the love has gone and it never really feels like you talk to me like I’m your fiance. It feels like you talk to me like someone you hate, actually,” Darcey told Georgi. 

The two argued back and forth about their feelings, and Darcey eventually decided she’d had enough.

“Ok, you know what, I’m gonna say my piece right now because I think I deserve much better than what I’m getting,” said Darcey Silva. 

“I don’t want a relationship like this, I deserve more. I don’t think you treat me like how a fiance should. And you have plenty of time in the apartment before I get back to figure things out, but I can’t do this anymore.”

The trip was a transformation for the ‘Darcey & Stacey’ stars

Darcey Silva and Georgi Rusev argue on ‘Darcey & Stacey’
Darcey Silva and Georgi Rusev argue on ‘Darcey & Stacey’ | TLC via YouTube

‘Darcey & Stacey’: Georgi Rusev Opens Up About Grandmother’s Death

The Darcey & Stacey stars have both referred to the trip as a sort of transformative process for them. Darcey Silva says that their transformation on the outside reflects an equal transformation within. 

“The outward transformation really had to start from within,” Stacey Silva told E!.

“After Turkey, we just became the best version of ourselves. You’ve got to love yourself, first and foremost, and don’t let anybody take your worth away. It was all about freeing ourselves to honor who we are, and it was exactly where we needed to be,” Darcey Silva added.

“It was like a spiritual journey, too. Even the producers behind the scenes were like, ‘Wow, now I understand when you were talking about manifesting and all this stuff, twintuition.’ They saw it firsthand,” Stacey Silva previously told Entertainment Tonight