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The new 90 Day Fiancé series, Darcey & Stacey, is back with season 2. Fans may be familiar with Darcey Silva’s daughters, Aniko, 15, and Aspen, 14. They’ve been seen on and off throughout the franchise, but the series Darcey & Stacey shows even more of them. Aniko is about to turn 16, and she goes to look at cars with her grandfather, Mike, and her sister in episode 4. However, it doesn’t go how you might expect.

Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva
Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva | Brad Barket/Getty Images for Discovery, Inc.

Aniko, Aspen, and their grandfather go to a car dealership in episode 4 of ‘Darcey & Stacey’

In a recent episode, Aniko, who is going to turn 16 soon, goes with her grandfather and her sister to a car dealership, which is an exciting prospect. What teenager doesn’t want a car? Of course, many would assume she’s about to get a car, which would be pretty sweet.

“We’re gonna look,” Mike explains, adding, “We’re going to look and price out, but don’t get too excited.”

“OK,” Aniko replies. “I promise I won’t.”

Aniko has her hopes held high. “I really hope my grandpa gets me a new car for my sweet 16,” Aniko tells the camera. “I’m literally praying every night for it. And my grandpa finally agreed to take me to go car shopping or ‘just to look.’”

While wearing face masks, a man at the dealership inquires to what they’re doing at the dealership, and Aniko explains it’s her “first car.” The man mentions that’s “exciting.” They go outside to take a look at the vehicles, which has to be a cool experience for Aniko.

She mentions to the camera that Darcey is in D.C., and she adds, “And I think my grandpa’s actually better at car shopping than my mom, so I might work my grandpa a little bit to help him get more convinced to get me a car.” Aspen seems to agree with that, and the car shopping continues.

Aniko gets in a bright blue Jeep


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Aniko sets her eyes on a bright blue Jeep, and she says, “It’s so pretty.” The dealer tells her to “hop in,” which she does, even honking the horn and sitting alongside her sister. Both Aniko and Aspen seem to like this option.

“I picture myself with this car, I can see it, just me doing everything with it,” Aniko explains to the camera. “Customizing and making it my own.”

“You see, I can picture myself in the passenger seat, you know, with the windows rolled down,” Aspen declares.

“In the summer,” Aniko adds, to which her sister says, “Blasting the music.”

“Winds in our faces,” Aniko says. “With an ice coffee in our hands, you know, we’re living life.”

But Mike makes a comment to the dealer, about getting a different one, pointing out a smaller vehicle. The man mentions that he has a “list” inside of other options. The sisters get out of the Jeep and go sit inside. Aniko mentions she could “stare” at the car “all day,” which is parked just outside the window. She mentions that she likes “big tires.”

When her grandfather inquires further, Aniko says, “Because they make it look cooler,” which Mike’s says, “But more dangerous, you know that.”

Aniko’s grandfather doesn’t get her the Jeep

Aspen asks Mike what their mom and aunt wanted for their very first car. He recalls it being a Volkswagen. “And in one year, the car was a wreck,” Mike adds. “You get something for free, you don’t take care of it. If you want to be responsible for something, you gotta be responsible to get it.”

“Hmm,” Aniko says, and Mike adds, “Which means get a job.” Aniko’s eyes go wide, which obviously wasn’t the news she wanted to receive.

Aspen says it’s “so annoying,” to which Aniko replies to the camera, “I know. Whatever.”

Aspen adds that Mike is “very stubborn when it comes to that stuff.” He wants to make sure his granddaughter “is responsible” according to them.

The scene returns to Mike talking to Aniko, and he tells her that “sometimes in life we don’t always get what we want now. There has to be some thought behind it.”

When Mike gets a chance to speak to the camera, he reveals that Aniko is like his daughter, Darcey, calling his daughter “very impatient,” saying, “when she wants something, she wants it.”

“Ani needs to see that she wants a car, she’s gotta go out there and get a job and work,” he says.

“You want something, work for it,” he tells his granddaughter before the scene concludes, and she nods her head that she understands. 

Looking at cars didn’t go how some fans may have expected it to with Aniko getting a car out of the whole thing. Instead, her grandfather is telling her to get a job and work for it. We’ll have to see what Aniko chooses to do.