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In an emotional moment, David Pascoe from Below Deck Mediterranean shared with some of the crew that he experienced a dark time in his life when he only just wanted to “sleep” for “maybe a few weeks.” The moment was impactful. But the storyline moved on without further explanation of what Pascoe was facing. He recently opened up on Instagram and revealed what he was dealing with and assured fans he is doing well today.

David Pascoe from ‘Below Deck Med’ said he cycled through 100 different emotions

Pascoe began his statement on Instagram by sharing that the actual conversation he had with the crew went on for about an hour. He revealed that what occurred happened a “long time ago” when he found himself “waking up and cycling through 100 different emotions,” he shared. Pascoe decided to seek professional help, which “turned out to be sat in a soul-destroying office and asked questions to adhere to a checklist.”

David from Below Deck Med shares more about the story he discussed on the show
David from Below Deck Med shares more about the story he discussed on the show |Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank

He was given anti-depressants and sent on his way. Pascoe said he initially felt better and eventually “energetic, euphoric, and feeling fantastic.” He was socializing after work, but only drinking energy drinks and driving home. But those few nights out turned into every single night out, clubbing. Often until the club closed at 6 a.m. He’d remain awake until he had to head off to work.

Eventually, he needed the cycle to stop … and needed sleep

After a few weeks, he started to “lost track of time.” Until “eventually I lost all cognitive understanding of who I was,” he continued. “My entire being was on autopilot … work, party, half-sleep, repeat.” He started getting headaches due to this driven lifestyle. So he’d take, “one, two, sometimes three packets of pain killers,” desperate to dull the pain.

Eventually, he couldn’t take it any longer. “I was exhausted to my core and I didn’t have the energy to keep going. In my head, I’d convinced myself that I just needed to sleep, maybe a few weeks. And then everything would be OK, I’d be fine.” That’s when Pascoe said “I took everything I had,” which he also shared on the show. He ended up in the hospital “feeling as though a freight train had driven through my body and mind.”

Pascoe returned home, which is when he spent about three days in and out of sleep. He later recalled the medical professionals apologizing. “We are so sorry that happened to you, similar situations have happened to people on that medication.” They prescribed him new medication, but this time Pascoe refused.

David Pascoe from ‘Below Deck Med’ said he wanted to bring attention to mental health

He wrote, “I wasn’t going to risk falling down the same rabbit hole based on a checklist and a ‘that didn’t work, try this approach.” Pascoe wrote that he then embarked upon a “long painful process of self-healing” but he did it without medication. “It wasn’t an easy road and there were days where I relapsed,” he shared. “That darkness in my mind would flood in and I’d feel that loss and helplessness overtake me.”


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Pascoe said he had this experience about 10 years ago, but felt it was important to discuss and share it. “Mental health is important,” he wrote. “The stigma regarding it is unhealthy.” Pascoe has been very understanding with the Below Deck Med cast, especially when it came to mental health too. He even stuck his neck out for Lexi Wilson even though she attacked nearly every cast member.