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Kevin Feige is a talented film producer who has spent the last few years of his career working with Marvel Studios. Feige is well-known for his contribution and role in creating films that showcase the famous and popular Spider-Man.

Fans and viewers of the beloved character may have been concerned when it seemed like Sony was no longer interested in Spider-Man-based deals.

However, they quickly learned that was not the case. Find out why fans and viewers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters (SUMC) feel at odds about Sony and Spider-Man‘s fate. 

Sony has its own Marvel universe

Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy | Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic

Feige released a statement about Spider-Man that had a lot of people raising their eyebrows. The talented director stated via CNBC, “[Spider-Man] also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold.”

Many would consider it a groundbreaking moment for MCU and SUMC, however, not everyone took this as good news. Many fans and viewers began to express why they think this is troublesome.

Marvel fans don’t want to lose Spider-Man in the MCU

MCU and SUMC fans and viewers seem very loyal. A recent Reddit discussion explored how some people were feeling about Spider-Man‘s unique abilities to crossover between fictional universes.

One fan posted, “I really don’t want the character stuck in Sony’s mess. I’d rather him be in the hands of Feige and co.”

That seemed to be a mutual feeling for many. Some fans and viewers shared their theories and explanations as to why this seemingly poor decision was made. Many people explained why they believe Sony’s actions proved that they only care about making money. 

Another fan followed up stating, “Well, you said it. Sony doesn’t really care about “issues related to cinematic Spider-Man.” They pretty much think in terms of ‘How do we make the most money off of the Spider-man license this year and the next few years?'”

If that is indeed the case, it would be easy to understand why a lot of fans and viewers might be upset. There was one particular trailer that recently came out that seemed to diminish any existing hope about the decision involving Spider-Man.

Why fans think that ‘Venom’ is a mistake


From ‘Spider-Man’ to ‘Venom’ 10 Movie Sequels You’ll Finally Get to See in 2021

The Reddit discussion between fans and viewers of MCU and SUMC illustrated why so many people were skeptical about Spider-Man’s fate when it comes to Sony.

Unfortunately, many of them felt even stronger about this when the trailer for Venom was released.

One frustrated fan explained why this was disappointing and commented: “We hoped that it would mean finding a way to allow Spidey to jump into another reality, but after Sony released the Morbius trailer with Vulture appearing at the end, everything lost sense. Vulture’s suit probably teases continuing his story from Homecoming, which does not make sense with previous statements about different universes and would cause problems in the future, when Spidey leaves MCU, like why isn’t Peter referencing Stark or the Avengers anymore.”

There are so many flaws and discrepancies that do not seem to line up for Spider-Man’s character in Venom. 

Another fan commented in the discussion and said, “Yeah. Making a Venom origin movie without Peter Parker and a Morbius movie, alongside their other projects, show that Sony don’t care about anything remotely related to creative stuff, but only about ‘getting da ez bucks’.”

Though it might not make sense to a lot of MCU and SUMC fans, they are hoping that the integrity and authenticity of Spider-Man are able to remain intact despite the character appearing in both fictional universes.