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Summer House fans welcomed three new people to the Hamptons house this summer. Replacing Stephen McGee and Ashley and Lauren Wirkus were Hannah Berner, Paige DeSoto and Jordan Verroi.

And while the new cast members seemed to blend in nicely, some fans were left wanting. Before the season premiered, McGee threw some low key shade on Twitter. “is there anything good on tv tonight?”

Stephen McGee and Lauren Wirkus| Getty Images

Plus some fans took to Twitter to comment that they missed the drama McGee and the Wirkus twins often brought to the show. “I knew this was coming but how come @laurenwirkus isn’t on #summerhouse this season??” one person tweeted. But others were not missing the threesome.

Reviews are mixed

Some people wrote they weren’t interested in the show without McGee and the Wirkus twins. “i miss @laurenwirkus & @stephenmcgeeee,” one person summed up. Others said the show was boring without the three.

This person commented, “I actually miss the Wirkus [twins] nobody wants to hear about the D the whole season and Lindsay & Danielle are boring! Lindsay is annoying af f**kboy Carl is getting old!” Also, there’s this: Bravo is straight disrespectful.. I am uninterested in a Summer House without @stephenmcgeeee.”

But others were pleased not to get a dose of Wirkus twins and McGee. “The amazon twins are gone…thank you #SummerHouse,” this person wrote. And another commented, “Oh please Stephen is messy & enjoys stirring the pot & Lauren is a pathetic excuse of a woman Carl owes her nothing they weren’t exclusive he was free to see anyone he chose I hope they’re both gone.”

Why did cast members leave?

According to Bravo, the production company likes to refresh the cast every now and then. “As with all Bravo shows, production sometimes refreshes the cast, but it doesn’t mean they don’t come back or make an appearance in the season,” a source told People.

But other sources cited that the Wirkus twins and McGee didn’t resonate with audiences, according to Daily Mail. Also, Danielle Olivera may have been a last minute addition. She wasn’t on the original roster for season 3, according to Daily Mail. But clearly she’s back and doing a pretty good job of bringing the drama with new bestie Linsday Hubbard.

Cast members have moved on

The Wirkus twins are living the California life. Lauren recently announced she’s moving from New York to San Diego, according to Bravo’s The Daily Dish. She posted to Instagram, “I’m going going, back to back, to Cali Cali ☀️ after 8+ years of living in NYC I can officially say now I’m freakin’ BI-COASTAL and basically going to live the dream splitting my time between both San Diego and NYC (with an emphasis on Southern California until it warms up on the east coast).”

Sister Ashley is expecting a baby. She was recently admitted to the hospital at 28 weeks pregnant because she is dealing with a bout of shingles (ouch). “unday Share: SHINGLES *I am not an expert about this and I am not posting for sympathy*” she shared on Instagram.

As for McGee, he eluded to having new projects on the horizon last summer. “I am honestly so f**king excited for you all to see what I am working on now. you honestly won’t even be thinking about the hamptons anymore.”

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