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After seeing the second trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, there’s no doubt that the Marvel Cinematic Universe film is going to be epic. There were plenty of surprise cameos and Easter eggs filtered throughout the video, including one that has sparked the interest of many fans. Is Superior Iron Man in the Doctor Strange sequel?

A cosplayer dresses up as Iron Man, who might be seen as Superior Iron Man in the 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' trailer, during a convention.
Iron Man | Photo by Ollie Millington/Getty Images

Fans believe Superior Iron Man is teased in the new ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ trailer

At around the 1.35-second mark of the new Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer, a glowing superpowered individual is seen fighting Scarlet Witch. At first, many fans believed this could be Captain Marvel or a Captain Marvel variant. But, now, some think it’s Superior Iron Man.

Superior Iron Man is a variant of the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. He is still Tony Stark, but his personality is different. Instead of possessing some of the redeeming qualities of the original Tony Stark, Superior Iron Man has all of his negative ones. So, essentially he is a villain.

Tom Taylor, one of the creators of Superior Iron Man, addressed the speculation that the variant is in the new trailer on Twitter. He noted, “I have no inside information, but when [Yildiray Cinar] and I created Tony’s Endo-Sym armor, it was designed to glow red/orange when he was angry.” In the video, the anonymous superpowered individual glows orange.

Marvel has not confirmed the return of Iron Man in the MCU following the potential tease in the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer. But if he does return, it’s likely that Robert Downey Jr. will not play his character’s variant.

Rumors claim that Tom Cruise is playing Superior Iron Man

In the months leading up to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, rumors have run rampant on the internet that Tom Cruise will play an Iron Man variant in the film. And now that Superior Iron Man might be in the trailer, the rumor has more weight.

Per, Cruise was in contention to play the original Iron Man in the MCU. However, he confirmed that he wasn’t close to getting the part. Cruise said, “Not close, and I love Robert Downey Jr. I can’t imagine anyone else in that role, and I think it’s perfect for him.”

Perhaps Marvel kept Cruise in the back of their heads. And he will finally get his time to shine in the Doctor Strange sequel. But we have no idea if these rumors or leaks are correct. So fans will have to wait until Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness premieres to see if Tom Cruise plays Superior Iron Man in the MCU.


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Other cameos in the ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ trailer

Superior Iron Man aside, one of the biggest surprises to come out of the new Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer was hearing the voice of Professor X. Marvel has not confirmed that it is Professor X, played by Patrick Stewart, in the video. However, it’s hard to deny that it sounds just like him.

Elsewhere, multiple Doctor Strange variants are scattered throughout the trailer, including Defender Strange and Strange Supreme. Plus, Zombie Scarlet Witch makes her return after appearing in What If…?

Fans also believe they can spot Reed Richards in the video. If this is only the beginning of cameos in the Doctor Strange sequel, fans are in for a wild ride.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness premieres exclusively in theaters on May 6.