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The royal family is always being criticized. It kind of comes with the job. Sure, they have a seemingly endless bank account and have everything they want at their fingertips, but their actions are also constantly scrutinized. No member of that family is safe from the watchful eye of the public. When new people marry into the family, the media’s focus turns to them. This happened with both Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. But was Meghan treated more harshly than Kate?

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex | Karwai Tang/Getty Images

Meghan Markle struggled with the criticism

Throughout her pregnancy, the British media constantly berated Meghan for everything from eating too many avocados to touching her belly too much. In the ITV documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey, the Duchess finally admitted that all of the criticism was getting to her.

“Any woman, especially when they’re pregnant, you’re really vulnerable, and so that was made really challenging,” she told Tom Bradby.

“Then when you have a newborn, you know. And especially as a woman, it’s a lot,” she continued. “So, you add this on top of just trying to be a new mom or trying to be a newlywed. It’s um . . . yeah. I guess, also thank you for asking, because not many people have asked if I’m okay, but it’s a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes.”

Prince Harry speaks out

The royal family doesn’t often engage with the British media, but eventually, Prince Harry had enough of the way that certain outlets were treating his wife and decided to sue the parent company of Mail on Sunday.

“Unfortunately, my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences – a ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout her pregnancy and while raising our newborn son,” he wrote in a statement. 

“There is a human cost to this relentless propaganda, specifically when it is knowingly false and malicious, and though we have continued to put on a brave face – as so many of you can relate to – I cannot begin to describe how painful it has been,” he continued.

Was Meghan treated more harshly than Kate?

Though Kate was also criticized when she first joined the royal family and has had her fair share of scrutiny, especially when Prince William was accused of cheating on her, some people have wondered if Meghan was treated more harshly than Kate.

According to Meghan’s friend’s, the Duchess of Sussex does believe she was treated differently than her sister-in-law.

“[Meghan said] no one would have put up with it, and the broken and outdated system would have been revised,” the friend told The Daily Mail of how the situation would have been different if the criticism had been geared toward Kate. “Those outlets responsible for their vicious attacks would have been shut out.”

Meghan and Harry recently announced that they would no longer be engaging with the British tabloids at all.

“Meghan said no one in the royal family should be surprised with the announcement,” the source told the outlet. Everyone reportedly knew how Harry felt about the tabloids.

The source claimed that Harry went to both Prince Charles and the queen about Meghan’s treatment and neither would do anything about it.

‘[Meghan] said it was infuriating that Harry’s very real and valid concerns fell on deaf ears,’ the source said.