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Does Prince William and Prince Harry’s Feud Have Anything to Do With Their Parents’ Marriage?

Even though it might seem like the recent tension between Prince William and Prince Harry is due to them being two people who have extremely different personalities, a royal expert now claims the feud actually started a lot time ago with the princes’ parents.

Prince William and Prince Harry used to seem like two peas in a pod. Although they were very different from one another, they looked to have an unbreakable bond as they went through life together.

However, nowadays, a lot of people believe the two brothers have grown more distant. Harry himself even admitted in 2019 that there is a “rift” between him and William.

Even though it might seem like the tension is simply between two people who have extremely different personalities, a royal expert now claims the feud actually started a lot time ago with the princes’ parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

Prince William and Prince Harry
Prince William and Prince Harry | Jack Taylor/Getty Images

Fans have always believes Prince William and Prince Harry started feuding because of Meghan Markle

According to reports, tension between William and Harry worsened when the latter started dating Meghan, Duchess of Sussex in 2016. William allegedly worried his brother was moving rather fast with his relationship, though when he tried to talk to Harry about it, Harry did not take the conversation well.

“Harry supported William from the outset of his relationship with Kate and he felt very let down that he wasn’t getting his brother’s full 100 percent support with the relationship with Meghan,” royal expert Katie Nicholl told The Sun, via Cosmopolitan.

Many fans believe William and Harry’s relationship has not been the same since then. After Harry tied the knot with Meghan, the couple only lived in Kensington Palace alongside William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge for a while before moving out on their own. They also left the Royal Foundation, which was shared with William and Kate, to start their own charity organization.

Royal expert claims William and Harry’s feud dates back to their parents’ marriage

Although the conflict between William and Harry may seem simple enough, a royal expert recently claims things are a lot more complicated than they look. In fact, the feud may have started all the way back in their parents’ marriage days, the Daily Mail reported.

In his upcoming book, Battle of Brothers: William and Harry – the Friendship and the Feuds, royal biographer Robert Lacy noted “the seeds of damage were sown” when Charles and Diana’s marriage broke down.

“These two brothers – once inseparable and now separated by much more than mere distance – have been acting out the contradictions that go back into their childhoods and even before that: into their parents’ ill-fated marriage,” the book’s press release said. “We have seen conflicts between heir and spare in every recent generation of the royal family — but nothing so profound as this.”

William and Harry are getting along better now


Will Prince Harry Have to Bow to Prince William When He Becomes King?

Fortunately, William and Harry seem to getting along better these days. Harry moved to Los Angeles a few months ago, and he has been keeping in touch with his family members back in the U.K., including William.

A source revealed to Us Weekly that William has been helping Harry adjust to life in America, so the pair is now back on speaking terms.

Additionally, their father, Charles, was diagnosed with COVID-19 in March, which reportedly brought William and Harry closer as well.