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The queen has to be one of the most stylish 93-year-olds out there. Betty White is the only other celebrity close to her age, and although White is as hilarious as ever, she just doesn’t know style like Queen Elizabeth.

Usually, the queen sports a complete look. Everything from the bows on her shoes to the trim on her hat matches her outfit. It’s hard to imagine anyone managing that level of coordination on their own. 

Queen Elizabeth is famous for her colorful outfits

The queen is constantly being photographed. No matter where she goes, someone is watching. That’s a lot of pressure.

Her outfits need to be on point at all times. If they’re not, she could end up skewered by the British tabloids. The U.K. media is notorious for being vicious and cruel. Although they mostly spare the queen, she is careful not to give them a reason to question her. 

Her outfits are famous. There have been numerous books released on Queen Elizabeth’s clothes alone. But the queen is a busy woman. She doesn’t come up with all her outfits on her own. She has a personal fashion designer

Angela Kelly is Queen Elizabeth’s personal designer 

Angela Kelly has designed a lot of the queen’s most iconic looks. The all-yellow ensemble Queen Elizabeth wore to Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William’s wedding was one of hers.

Kelly is more than just a designer to Queen Elizabeth. She’s a close confidant of the queen and has become more of a personal advisor. 

Kelly is still formal with the queen, and very conscious of maintaining boundaries. Still, she’s one of the closest non-family members the queen has. She’s even allowed to touch the queen, a privilege usually reserved for family only. 

According to Kelly, the queen “has allowed me to become closer to her over the years. I would never overstep the mark and I remain in awe of the Queen.” The queen even made Kelly a lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order in 2012. It’s a high honor that the queen can bestow on those who have loyally served the royal family. 

It seems like Kelly is one of the few people the queen truly trusts. Kelly says sometimes it’s like they’re just like two regular friends.

“We are two typical women,” said Kelly. “We discuss clothes, make-up, jewelry. We say, ‘Would this piece of jewelry look nice with that outfit?”

It’s impressive that the two have found so much common ground considering they come from very different backgrounds. 

Angela Kelly doesn’t actually have a background in fashion 

Queen Elizabeth II waves during a walk about around Windsor.
Queen Elizabeth II | Samir Hussein/WireImage

Despite the fact that Kelly has one of the most coveted jobs in fashion, she doesn’t actually have a background in it. Kelly met the queen by chance.

Kelly was working as a housekeeper for the British ambassador to Germany. The queen must have seen something she liked in Kelly, because she offered her a job. Kelly herself thinks she knows what the queen saw in her.

“I suppose the Queen must have liked me and decided I was trustworthy and discreet,” she said.

Kelly started out in a low-level position in the queen’s household. Her first role was as a dresser,  and she worked her way up to her current role: Personal Advisor to Her Majesty. 

Kelly’s story is an inspiring one, and it tells a lot about the queen. She looks for people who are good at what they do, and serve her well. She doesn’t necessarily care about academic qualifications as much as actual talent. 

Kelly is extremely loyal to Queen Elizabeth and knows her pretty well. Kelly’s insider knowledge of the queen has probably led to even better outfits. Since Kelly knows exactly what the queen likes, she always designs the perfect piece.