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Elvis Presley showered Priscilla Presley with attention when she moved to Memphis, TN, in 1963. However, he was held to a promise by her father, Captain Paul Beaulieu, that for Priscilla to remain by Elvis’ side, the king of rock and roll had to adhere to some rules. Most importantly, Priscilla would finish high school. Upon her graduation, Elvis gave her a lavish gift but wouldn’t be seen with her with it afterward.

Priscilla Presley and Elvis Presley photographed in 1967.
Priscilla Presley and Elvis Presley photographed in 1967 | Getty Images/Betmann

Priscilla Presley graduated from high school and was given a very Elvis-style gift

In 1963, Priscilla Presley was enrolled in Immaculate Conception High School to finish her senior year. She was also supposed to live with Elvis’ father, Vernon, and stepmother, Dee, in a separate house a few streets away from the Graceland mansion at 3650 Hermitage Drive in Memphis, TN.

However, Priscilla spent so much time at Graceland; her belongings were eventually moved there. But she had to graduate before she could follow Elvis on tour and fully immerse herself in his lifestyle. On May 29, 1963, Priscilla finished her education.

Furthermore, Elvis gave Priscilla his gift of choice to celebrate her achievements, a new car. At 17 years old, Priscilla was the owner of her own 1964 Chevrolet Corvair.

She told Closer Weekly, “Elvis gifted it to me as a graduation present in 1963. I loved it! Can you imagine? It was my very first car, and the fact that he gave it to me made it very special.”

“I remember taking Elvis for a drive in it,” Priscilla said. “But only around the circular driveway at Graceland.”

She confessed that his ego got in the way of her getting behind the wheel for a drive. As a result, Priscilla admitted, “He didn’t want to be seen with a girl driving him around!”

Priscilla Presley further discussed the car she adored

“It was such a beautiful car. Cars were larger in those days, so this was the perfect car for me. It was sporty in look and feel. There weren’t many around.”

In the book Elvis: What Happened? by Albert Goldman, spoke to one of Priscilla’s teachers, Sister Loyola, who recalled the automobile. She told Goldman, “Priscilla came to school in a little red Corvair, and the girls were delighted with that.”

Sister Loyola continued, “We had a custom here that once a week, the girls could go out to lunch. She’d fill her Corvair full of girls, and they’d go out to lunch. They were all excited to get a ride with Priscilla.”

Did Elvis Presley attend Priscilla’s graduation?

Priscilla Presley and her dog honey in January 1963, four months before graduating high school.
Priscilla Presley and her dog Honey in January 1963, four months before graduating high school | Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

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The Goldman book revealed details of the day Priscilla graduated from high school. Elvis did not attend the formal ceremony but instead remained outside.

“Graduation was held in the cathedral,” Sister Loyola recalled. “I went over to get the girls lined up. Two or three younger sisters went over to Elvis’ car to speak to him and get his autograph. They asked him if he was coming in.”

She continued, “He responded, ‘No, Sister. I’m not going in. This is Priscilla’s night. If I went in, it would disturb the graduation. I’ll wait out here in the car until it’s all over.”

Four years after graduating high school, Priscilla became the only Mrs. Elvis Presley. The couple married in Las Vegas on May 1, 1967.