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In the 1970s, Elvis Presley’s friends and family noticed a definite shift in his personality. His marriage had fallen apart, his career was beginning to bore him, and his drug use was ramping up. Eventually, some of the people in his life started to feel like they couldn’t connect to him anymore. All Elvis wanted to talk about were his possessions.

Elvis spoke extensively about his possessions in the 1970s

Elvis spent money freely and happily throughout his career. He purchased cars and houses for his entourage, entire wardrobes for women after a first date, and expensive additions to his homes. His career brought him a great deal of wealth, but his spending habits concerned his father.

“He continued spending money as if it were going out of style,” Priscilla Presley wrote in her book Elvis and Me. “Alarmed, Vernon literally begged him to stop, but Elvis said, ‘I’m having fun, Daddy, for the first time in ages. I’ve got a hobby, something I look forward to gettin’ up in the mornin’ for.’”

A black and white picture of Elvis Presley wearing a jumpsuit and pointing his finger.
Elvis Presley | R.D/Images Press/Getty Images

His generosity moved many people. By the 1970s, though, Elvis seemed more concerned with spending money for the sake of spending money. He was all consumed with what he owned and how it would make him seem to other people. According to his bodyguard, Elvis lost interest in everything else.

“He would only talk about his jewelry, cars, and wardrobe,” his bodyguard Sonny West said in the book Elvis: What Happened? by Steve Dunleavy. “He didn’t seem to have any other conversation. Other stars would come backstage and all he could talk about was his possessions. He wasn’t interested in other performers. In fact, he didn’t like other performers.”

Elvis’ friends said he was less pleasant to be around in the 1970s

The way Elvis flaunted his belongings seemed like a power play to his bodyguards. He wanted other performers to view him as The King. He also behaved this way with his entourage. While he had initially viewed himself as one of them, he increasingly sought to set himself apart through boasting and demands.

“He got to smoking those stubby little cigars and if nobody didn’t light it for him straightaway, he would sit there and he would seethe,” Sonny said. “Then finally he would blow up and yell ‘Am I going to sit here all day with this dry motherf***** in my mouth with nobody lighting it for me? If I am, then you can all get your a**es out of here.’”

These angry outbursts became more frequent over the years. 

He obsessed over things he liked

Elvis’ intense focus on his possessions was not all that surprising, as he often fixated on things. According to Priscilla Presley, Elvis struggled to enjoy things in moderation. He ate his favorite meals for every dinner until he grew to hate them and built entire rooms for passing hobbies.

A black and white picture of Elvis wearing a polo shirt and standing with his hands on his hips.
Elvis Presley | Earl leaf/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Elvis Had to Be Sedated After Spending an Entire Night Violently Ranting About Priscilla Presley’s New Boyfriend

“Elvis was not one for moderation,” Priscilla wrote. “Whether it was motorcycles, slot cars, horses, amusement parks, roller skating, sex, or even eating the same dinner day after day, if he enjoyed it, he’d overindulge.”

When he had a new favorite thing, it was hard for him to think about much else.