Emma Watson Once Shared How Surprised She Was at Paris Hilton’s Excessive Wardrobe
Emma Watson once starred in the 2013 film The Bling Ring, which was based on a true story. The film saw Watson portraying the real-life robber who stole from several high-profile celebrities, Hilton included. Hilton allowed the cast and crew to use her real-life home for the film.
But when Watson entered Hilton’s closet, she couldn’t believe how many clothes Hilton had.
Pairs Hilton told ‘The Bling Ring’ director that nothing was off-limits while shooting in her home’

The Simple Life star Paris Hilton was a real-life victim of the trio that broke into her home and stole her belongings in 2008. Because of this, Hilton had a very emotional response when seeing the film.
“It made me really upset and angry. I was trying not to cry because I knew I had to, like, walk around Cannes after. But yeah, it made me very upset because I knew that it was all true,” she once told Cannes (via Vanity Fair).
But she also had complete confidence in Bling Ring director Sofia Coppolla to do the events justice. Hilton even made sure there were no limits when filming inside her home because of her faith in the filmmaker.
“I trust her,” Hilton added. “And I met the cast before, and they were all really nice.”
As for why Coppolla decided to shoot in Hilton’s house instead of on a set, Coppolla told Hilton her house was unique.
“She said that she loved my house and really wanted to shoot there. She said it would be so impossible to re-create,” she recalled.
Emma Watson once shared she couldn’t believe how many clothes Paris Hilton had
Portraying one of the robbers, Watson had the opportunity to look into Hilton’s real-life closet. It was an experience that caught the young actor by complete surprise.
“It’s almost like consumerism as a form of kleptomania. She could never wear all of those clothes and half of them were brand new and still had the price tag on,” Watson once told Radio Times (via MarieClaire). “But I suppose she just bought them to have them. We’ve all bought things on impulse but that’s an entirely different thing.”
The Beauty and the Beast actor also took the time to comment on what it meant being a celebrity at the time.
“There’s a whole new definition to celebrity now. And I think that’s why you see a lot of actors blanching at being associated with that word ‘celebrity’ because it’s become something that isn’t really associated with having a craft,” she continued.
But being self-aware, Watson also noticed the irony in her comments given her own wardrobe.
“But it’s easy for me to sound like a total hypocrite because, of course, I’m dressed in designer clothes right now,” she added.
Why Emma Watson chose to do ‘The Bling Ring’ instead of more period pieces
After Harry Potter, some had the expectation of Watson to do more period piece films to add to her filmography. But Watson once revealed in an interview with GQ that was exactly what she didn’t want to do. If only because going down that road would’ve been too easy.
“Really, I was open-minded about doing anything, but the one thing I knew I didn’t want to do was get myself into a corset because I was worried I’d never get out again. I knew that it would be a really comfortable thing to do, but I felt coming straight out of Harry Potter, I had to dive into something really different,” she said.