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One of the most compelling things about Euphoria is the bevy of characters that the show boasts. While the show is narrated from Rue’s perspective, each episode begins with a deeper dive into a different character. This gives viewers the opportunities to get a glimpse into the character’s psyche and see how they came to be who they are today. But for each character fans learn about, there’s another one to pique their curiosity. One person who Euphoria fans want desperately want to get to know more about is Gia.

Storm Reid reflects on her Euphoria character, Gia
Storm Reid | Victor Boyko/Getty Images

Gia, of course, is the younger sister of Rue and portrayed beautifully by Storm Reid. Though Gia is young, the things she’s seen, thanks to Rue’s addiction and mental health issues, are at odds with her youthfulness. Fans are chomping to see what life has been like from Gia’s perspective, and Reid has promised that season 2 of Euphoria will allow fans to learn more about her character.

Storm Reid reveals what impressed her about her ‘Euphoria’ character

But what was it about Gia that drew Reid to Euphoria? The 17-year-old has been highly selective about the roles that she takes on in her career, always mindful of the stories she wants to tell and the legacy she wants to leave behind. Though Euphoria is considered to be a fairly dark show, Reid was actually drawn to the lightness of it. In an interview with Collider, Reid got candid about what she appreciated most about her character.

“Gia’s unconditional love,” Reid shared about what she loved about her Euphoria character. “I love people really hard, in my personal life, and really have that unconditional, sacrificial love, and she has that for Rue, even though Rue has put her and her mom through so much. It’s life-altering and life-changing when you walk into a room and see your sister overdose. That’s something you’ll never forget, and that’s gonna traumatize you, for the rest of your life, or at least for the rest of your young adult life.”

Gia has an enormous capacity to love

“But despite all of that, Gia just loves her and will go to the ends of the earth for her, so I really admire that about her,” the Euphoria star continued. “I know that I would love that person that was on the ground, or that put me through these situations, but I just don’t know how I would deal with it, or if I would deal with it as well as Gia did, so I admire that quality about her.”

But even though Reid felt admiration for her character, she did have some initial concerns about Gia. The Euphoria star confessed that she was concerned that Gia’s timeline was going to go at a pace that she wasn’t comfortable with. She worried that she was going to have to put her foot down and say that she couldn’t do something or didn’t want to do something that the script called for. Thankfully though, that wasn’t at all the case.

Reid was a bit nervous about portraying her ‘Euphoria’ character initially

“It felt pretty natural, once I was in it, but at first, I had the concern of not knowing where they were gonna take Gia, in the first season, and not knowing if she was gonna be doing stuff that I didn’t want to do, at that moment, and taking her too fast,” Reid confessed. “But I feel like they played Gia’s timeline out amazingly.” We’re pleased that things seemed to work out for Reid and her character. We can’t wait to see what’s next for Gia in Season 2 of Euphoria.