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Talking about a hookup experience to someone who likes you isn’t ideal. Then again, deciding to switch plans at the last minute is pretty bad. Although Jules is somewhat of a good influence on Rue, some Euphoria viewers think their relationship is “toxic.”

Here’s what fans are saying about the characters in HBO’s original drama series.

Jules and Rue (sort of) date in the HBO series, ‘Euphoria’

Euphoria fans first met Jules (Hunter Schafer) just as she was starting at a new school. She quickly became friends with Rue, a high school student portrayed by Emmy Award-winning actor, Zendaya.

As someone struggling with mental health and addiction problems, Rue leans on Jules for support and guidance. When Jules’ online relationship goes south, Rue is there to comfort her.

However, their relationship isn’t exactly healthy, according to some fans. Particularly, Rue’s attachment to Jules was a cause for concern. 

“[Jules] being so casual about hooking up with someone else is something that stuck with me,” one Reddit user noted. “I think Jules has a majorly warped perspective of what dating is. We see that obviously with the Grindr hookups but there is another layer. She must think that it is OK to not be strictly monogamous when rue is obviously not into it.”

Is Jules ‘toxic’ for Rue?

There’s also a lot of pressure on Jules to be a good influence for Rue. Zendaya’s character clings to Jules as a new form of a drug, as explained in one episode, and when things go south in their relationship, Rue returns to her old drug dealer’s house for the next best thing. 

“She can’t be there for Rue because she doesn’t know who she is herself and Rue needs someone steady and someone who don’t need anesthesia like she did,” another Reddit user wrote. “That’s the beauty of this show, there are no heroes or villains, they are all deeply struggling.”

Zendaya attends the HBO 'Euphoria' FYC
Zendaya attends the HBO ‘Euphoria’ FYC | FilmMagic/FilmMagic for HBO

Where Does HBO’s Original Series, ‘Euphoria’ Take Place? Here’s What We Know About Zendaya’s Character and Her Suburban Hometown

Other ‘Euphoria’ characters touch on the dark sides of domestic abuse

Of course, Rules isn’t the only relationship in the series and these two are far from being the most toxic or dangerous. As in the life-threatening kind of “dangerous.” Even though Nate buys Maddy the coat she always wanted and is willing to do whatever it takes to be with her. 

That also means he’s willing to blackmail and physically attack anyone who stands in his way. He even gets physical with Maddy and after she’s brought to the police, Miss Perez defends her partner. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Maddy’s behavior is in line with victims of domestic abuse. 

Presumably, fans will learn more about Rue’s relationship with Jules in the second season of this HBO drama series. Until then, special episodes will premiere on the television network during December 2020.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1(800) 799-SAFE (7233) or visit

If you or someone you know is seeking help for substance use, call the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP(4357).