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A woman who has planned her revenge for over a decade is not to be messed with. Eve Episode 1 unfolds Lee Ra-el’s (Seo Yea-ji) meticulous plan to bring down Korea’s elite that took everything from her as a teenager. Fans see in the K-drama a combination of where it all began and how far Ra-el has come to create absolute chaos.

[WARNING: This article contains MAJOR spoilers for Eve Episode 1]

Seo Yea-ji as Ra-el in 'Eve' Episode 1 dancing the tango.
Seo Yea-ji as Ra-el in ‘Eve’ Episode 1 | via tvN

Kang Yoon-kyum’s secret is revealed to the public with Ra-el at the center in ‘Eve’ Episode 1

The K-drama begins in the present when Yoon-kyum (Park Byung-eun) addresses the press about the success of the LY Group. But the real drama begins as rumors circulate of his extramarital affair, which he does not deny. His wife, Han So-ra (Yoo-sun) learns of the news and shows emotions of fury. Fans see Yoon-kyum escaping to a woman presumed to be Ra-el.

At the same time, fans meet Prime Minister Han Pan-ro (Jeon Kuk-hwan) and So-ra’s father. Fans witness firsthand his political image is a facade for a ruthless man as he willingly kills two of his employees. He also learns of the scandal that could ruin them and blames his daughter. Feeling her father’s fury, she vows to resolve it.

Congressman Seo Eun-pyeong (Lee Sang-yeob) also learns of the scandal. Eve Episode 1 soon shifts to three months prior, when Ra-el’s plan began. At Yoon-kyum and So-ra’s daughter’s school ceremony, Yoon-kyum sees Ra-el for the first time. Dancing the tango, he becomes enchanted by her, her fierce gaze at him, and feels aroused.

Ra-el sees the man of her nightmares as she begins her path for revenge

Ra-el is a beautiful, kind, poised, and smart woman on the outside. After the recital, the parents gather to chit chat. Fans are surprised to learn that Ra-el is a mother to a young daughter. As she arrives to greet the other parents, So-ra learns she is a “royal” class mother at the Liwan school. The headmaster explains that Ra-el’s mother has a connection to the foundation, but the rest remains a mystery.

Talking to two female guests, Ra-el reveals she is 28 years old, and her husband is a simple office worker. Ra-el sends her daughter to play with So-ra’s daughter. Meanwhile, a phone call about a flower delivery comes in, and Ra-el excuses herself. The delivery is none other than her husband, apologizing for missing the performance. But Ra-el says he can see something no one else can.

Eve Episode 1 has a short time skip as Ra-el and her husband mingle with the other guests. Fans learn her husband, Jang Joon-yuk, is a deputy director who worked with Yoon-kyum. The following day, Ra-el and the other parents are unable to drop off their children at school.

Ra-el goes to see why and is faced with her nightmare. The Prime Minister, So-ra, and Yoon-kyum have visited the school. But at the sight of the Prime Minister’s subordinate, Kim Jung-cheol (Jung Hae-kyun), Ra-el gets flashbacks of her past. Fans see a teenage Ra-el watching her father get beaten to death by Jung-cheol and his lackeys.

‘Eve’ Episode 1 reveals the tragedy that befell Ra-el and her family


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Eun-pyeong receives a package from the United States with a ziplock bag full of money at home. A letter is addressed to him from Ra-el. She explains she has kept her promise of paying him back in tenfolds. Hearing her name for the first time in years stunned Eun-pyeong.

A flashback reveals he met Ra-el when she was a teenager while a practicing lawyer. This is after the tragedy concerning her family. Another flashback shows Eun-pyeong sending her away to the United States as Ra-el vows revenge as she watches the news reports of Yoon-kyum becoming the new CEO of LY Group.

Eve Episode 1 reveals what happened to Ra-el’s parents. Her father apologizes, saying he has to do something for the company’s greater good. The scene changes to her father being beaten by Jung-cheol and told to sign a paper making him a scapegoat for stolen information. Ra-el’s father refuses. Her father’s body is later in a morgue. His cause of death is made to look like a suicide. Jung-cheol tells his lackeys to cremate the body.

Jung-cheol tells the future Prime Minister he now has control over LY and Jediks. Sometime later, Ra-el’s home is ransacked by someone her father trusted, looking for her father’s seal. A fight causes Ra-el to fall into a glass table and causes injury to her back. Back to the previous timeline, at the event, Ra-el plants her bracelet to be found by Yoon-kyum. She entices her husband to have sex in the female waiting room, and Yoon-kyum sees them as Ra-el looks him dead in the eye.

Eve is available to stream on Viki.