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A public relations expert is taking aim at Meghan Markle and the way she uses her Archetypes podcast to push her own agenda. According to the expert, the way the Spotify podcast includes personal stories as the Duchess of Sussex talks to guests might “be playing into the drama that faces Meghan.”

Meghan Markle smiles as she looks on
Meghan Markle | Samir Hussein/WireImage

Expert says Meghan Markle podcast episodes ‘feel self-indulgent’

Roz Sheldon, public relations manager at Igniyte, weighed in on Meghan’s podcast, telling Express how the Duchess of Sussex might have “the best intentions” but falls short because “the episodes feel self-indulgent.”

“Despite the Archetypes podcast having the best intentions — it’s backed by Meghan’s Archwell charity campaign to help women in need who have inspired or helped others in the US — the episodes and topics seem to be playing into the drama that faces Meghan,” Sheldon explained.

She continued,  “The episodes feel self-indulgent — there isn’t a balance. Take, for example, Meghan’s comments about appearing on Deal Or No Deal and it making her ‘not feel smart’. That’s her view, but there are a lot of women, including Meghan’s co-star Claudia Jordan, who would say it was a smart move indeed to appear on that show, and it would be beneficial for Meghan to be aware of that.”

Is Meghan Markle ‘pushing her own agenda’ in the episodes?

Sheldon noted that Meghan seems to use the platform to push her agenda. “But on the podcast, which has a huge platform with a vast audience, it feels as though she is pushing her own agenda rather than having a conversation that might balance the narrative — something that she needs to do to redress her reputation,” the expert explained.

Meghan’s topics seem to allow her to shed light on how she’s “been wrongly mislabeled and treated,” Sheldon shared.

“The topics Meghan is choosing to cover on the podcast — such as ‘The Demystification of a Dragon Lady,’ ‘The Duality of Diva’ with the likes of Mariah Carey — also seem to be poking the reputational bear, causing drama and media attention,” the PR expert explained. “It’s almost as though she’s saying ‘I’m not a diva, I’ve been wrongly mislabeled and treated,” but then adding to the wheel of drama with the content she’s producing.”


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The Duchess of Sussex is revealing details about her life in the podcast, another expert believes

Body language expert Judi James shared her analysis of Meghan’s podcast, telling Express how the episodes are “engineered” so she “reveals” tidbits about her life.

“Meghan’s life story seems to be dropped in many parts each week on her podcasts. Each one that comes out seems engineered to reveal some new detail or fact of her life and it is those ‘reveals’ that seem to hit the headlines even more than the points she is discussing,” James explained.

“They also seem to promote the feeling that we are being invited to get to know her piece-by-piece, like a huge jigsaw puzzle,” the expert added.