‘Framing Britney Spears’: Daniel Ramos and His Connection to the Pop Singer
Framing Britney Spears is the eye-opening documentary The New York Times released regarding the pop singer’s conservatorship. After taking in the film, many Britney Spears fans want to know more about Daniel Ramos and his hand in her conservatorship case. Who is the member of the paparazzi, and what does he have to do with Spears?

‘Framing Britney Spears’ explains how the pop singer was placed in a conservatorship
Since 2008, the “…Baby One More Time” singer has lived under her father, James “Jamie” Spears, per a court-sanctioned conservatorship. The New York Times documentary delves into Spears’ conservatorship and the lengthy court battle with her father regarding control of her life. Shortly after chasing down the paparazzi with an umbrella, Spears was placed in an involuntary psychiatric hold. This order helped her father gain power over her $60 million fortune, as well as her health care, living arrangements, and daily activities.
Daniel Ramos is a paparazzo responsible for the most infamous photo of Britney Spears
In February of 2007, Spears wanted to visit her children. At the time, they were living with Kevin Federline. After he denied her entry, Spears made a pit stop at a gas station where the paparazzi were waiting. Later that night, Spears returned to Federline’s home, but was still denied access. Visibly upset and frustrated with the paparazzi who followed her during the ordeal, Spears went after the paparazzi with her umbrella.
As highlighted in Framing Britney Spears, Spears’ actions resulted in some of the most famous tabloid photos ever captured. Ramos was one of the photographers there that day. And it was his truck Spears hit with the umbrella. The moment Ramos and his peers captured the bald Spears on camera is what kick-started her conservatorship case.
Daniel Ramos doesn’t feel he did anything wrong to Britney Spears
Some Framing Britney Spears viewers consider her father the villain of the story. But many others think Ramos is the villain of the documentary. As Ramos mentioned in the special, he was earning thousands of dollars for one photo of Spears.
Despite the apparent effect the paparazzi had on Spears, Ramos claims he never heard Spears ask the paparazzi to stop taking pictures of her. Ironically, he said she was willing to work with them most of the time. “In the beginning, when paparazzi [began] following Britney, you could tell she enjoyed it,” Ramos said in the documentary. “She would give up the shots, waving. She was very friendly, a sweetheart of a girl. It was like she needed us and we needed her.”
Despite the mounting evidence of how much of an impact the paparazzi had on Spears — including the Matt Lauer interview where she broke down crying — Ramos insisted she never asked them to stop taking photographs. “There were times when she [was] like, ‘Can you leave me alone for the day?'” he admitted. “But it wasn’t like, ‘Leave me alone forever.'”
Contrary to what Ramos believes, many fans think Spears asked the paparazzi time and again to leave her alone. The 39-year-old pop star’s fans have long been fighting for her under the #FreeBritney movement and they won’t stop now. Spears and her legal team are working toward getting her mother approved as her conservator.