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These days, it seems like Hollywood is turning everyone’s life into a movie. The new movie Reagan brought President Ronald Reagan’s life to the screen, and all it took was a little help from the Freemasons. Here’s a look at how the secret society is influencing your local multiplex.

The new movie ‘Reagan’ used a Freemason Lodge in an unexpected way

Sean McNamara, a veteran of Disney Channel Original Movies like The Even Stevens Movie and The Suite Life Movie, directed Reagan. During a 2024 interview with The Oklahoman, McNamara said that Reagan didn’t use many locations. While the former president’s life took him across the globe, including to Hollywood, McNamara and company mainly stayed in Guthrie, Oklahoma — even using a local Masonic Lodge to recreate one of the most iconic locations in the United States.

“We literally shot 95% of the movie in Guthrie, Oklahoma,” he said. “That’s what’s crazy. We went to the Masonic Temple, and we built the Oval Office on the stage there. We had all the Kremlin offices there. We had the state of California offices there. The inaugural balls, all of it was shot there Guthrie — and it was amazing.”

Later, the film’s premiere was in Oklahoma as well. Perhaps that’s fitting. While Reagan was wildly popular during his time in office, he had a particular appeal in Southern states like Oklahoma.

Why a local politician was proud of the movie

A local politician praised Reagan for using Oklahoma as a shooting location. “Reagan is the perfect example of what can happen when we decide to move together as a people, when we can step back from all of the heavy and the weight, but actually look at getting good done as one Oklahoma,” said state Rep. Brian Hill, R-Mustang.

Reagan being filmed here shows that regardless of the background, whether it’s Berlin, Moscow or any other part of the nation or D.C., you can film here in Oklahoma,” he added. “You can do it cheaper here. We’re going to do things well for you. You’ve got an amazing workforce here ready for you. Oklahoma’s the place to be.”


Why John Lennon Compared Himself to Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan was nearly a Freemason himself

Reagan’s connections to Freemasonry extend beyond the new film. According to the Kansas City Scottish Rite, the 40th president was an honorary member of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the Imperial Council of the Shrine. He took part in numerous Masonic rituals. However, he was not technically a Freemason because he had not gone through the relevant ceremonies.

Reagan was one of many presidents of the United States who became involved with Freemasonry. They include George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Several major historical figures, artists, and celebrities became involved in the group as well, including Benjamin Franklin, Oscar Wilde, Aleister Crowley, Walt Disney, and John Wayne.

The fact that so many prominent people were Freemasons has led to a myriad of conspiracy theories that the Freemasons control the world. That tripe ignores how many millions of Freemasons weren’t presidents, successful writers, or movie stars.

Freemasons have had a big impact on our society over the course of hundreds of years and they even had a small impact on the movie Reagan.