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Well, it seems Bekah Martinez won’t be visiting Becca Kufrin and Garrett Yrigoyen anytime soon. After Yrigoyen shared his support for police officers on Instagram as people protest police brutality across the country, Martinez called him out. This prompted Yrigoyen to share his private direct messages with Martinez, and on his Instagram story he said Martinez was “no longer invited over.”

Chris Harrison and Bekah Martinez
Chris Harrison and Bekah Martinez | Paul Hebert via Getty Images

Garrett Yrigoyen posted in support of law enforcement

After posting the black square for Blackout Tuesday on social media, Yrigoyen shared another post in support of police officers. This led fans to call out Yrigoyen for performative activism when it comes to Black Lives Matter, as many are protesting police brutality and racial injustice.

“I’ve been pretty tore up the past week about everything going on. I’ve listened, learned, helped, supported, and grown. With so many friends and family in law enforcement I couldn’t sit back and not support them and the hundreds of thousands of men and women of all races that represent this Thin Blue Line as well,” Yrigoyen wrote on Instagram.

He continued, “There have been over 300 injured, shot, or killed in just one week. They are suffering the consequences over an act they didn’t commit. They continue to put in overtime away from their families, stay silent while being threatened, hated, and assaulted… Remember when they put on the badge they’re still humans, with raw emotion, the more brutality they face the more on edge they become, they make mistakes, they have compassion, and no matter how terrible they are treated or whatever negative is said to them, they still show up for us when we need them!”

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Bekah Martinez called him out

Fans of The Bachelorette were not the only ones to call out Yrigoyen. In a comment, Martinez, who competed with Yrigoyen’s fiancée Becca Kufrin on Season 22 of The Bachelor, also criticized Yrigoyen.

“uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh law enforcement CHOOSES to put on a blue uniform. Black people don’t choose to be black. big difference. also ‘the more brutality they face the more on edge they become’…….that’s scary as f*ck. wow wow wow. so interesting that you stay silent about black lives but just HAVE to speak out about cops. you’ve made your views known before and here’s a great reminder that not much has changed,” Martinez commented on the post.

Garrett Yrigoyen posted DMs with Bekah Martinez

Following Martinez’s comment, Yrigoyen took their clashing to his Instagram story.

He first shared a screenshot of Martinez’s comment and responded:

“I remember you saying how much you loved me to Becca and you made a mistake for judging me in the past without knowing me…needless to say you never got to know me, still don’t know me, and you’re no longer invited over. P.S. I was advised to not post my caption with my black square…as I had written a message about peace, racism, and change…because I believe BLM is important, I still got ridiculed. I’m also showing my love & support for others at this time as well, and still get ridiculed. Doesn’t make me a racist nor does it take away from BLM. Try having conversations with people before judging and labeling. Love to all.”


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When Martinez replied to his story, Yrigoyen revealed their private DMs as well.

“Lmao definitely not my words,” Martinez replied to Yrigoyen. “I said ‘tell garrett I’m sorry I gave him so much sh*t’ and at the time I meant it because I thought you actually cared about changing.”

Based on the screenshot Yrigoyen posted to his Instagram story, he wrote back: “What is wrong with supporting Black Lives and Cops at the same time? I have grown and become more educated in the past two years. If you saying by me posting that and supporting everyone isn’t change…then what about you jumping to conclusions and running your thumbs on my page, AGAIN, has changed?”