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  • Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 2 tells viewers exactly who Rory, Lorelai, and Emily are.
  • Three lines from the second episode define the Gilmore women for most of the show.
  • Lorelai’s quirkiness, Rory’s maturity, and Emily’s wish for closeness are all highlighted.
Kelly Bishop, Lauren Graham, and Alexis Bledel as Emily, Lorelai, and Rory in 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life' for our article about lines from the original show. They're standing together outside, and Rory is holding white flowers.
Kelly Bishop, Lauren Graham, and Alexis Bledel in ‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’ | Robert Voets/Netflix

Gilmore Girls gets its title from its leading ladies, and each of the Gilmore women is unique in her own way. Rory (Alexis Bledel), Lorelai (Lauren Graham), and Emily (Kelly Bishop) boast distinct personalities that bounce off of one another nicely. And three lines from Gilmore Girls’ second episode reveal what each character is about — both in terms of personality and their relationships with others.

‘Gilmore Girls’ Season 1 Episode 2 shows Rory’s 1st day at Chilton

That’s right, viewers know what they can expect from Rory, Lorelai, and Emily by the time Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 2 is through. They may only realize it in hindsight, but the show’s second installment does a stand-up job of defining each of their personalities.

In Gilmore Girls Episode 2, which is titled “The Lorelais’ First Day at Chilton,” Rory kicks off her career at a prestigious private school. Her first day doesn’t go as planned, especially after Lorelai wakes up late and rushes to meet the headmaster. Emily’s already there when she arrives, making Lorelai’s tardiness — and last-ditch attempt at an outfit — even more mortifying and hilarious.

The whole scenario offers a clear picture of the titular Gilmore girls and their dynamic. But as The Gilmore Girls Companion points out, three lines from episode 2 really hone in on who Rory, Lorelai, and Emily are. What are those lines, and what do they say about the characters?

This ‘Gilmore Girls’ line reveals that Lorelai’s the fun mom — but not always responsible

Lorelai’s quirky personality and closeness with Rory make her the fun mom, but Gilmore Girls Episode 2 highlights that she isn’t always responsible. As The Gilmore Girls Companion notes, one line in particular highlights this dichotomy. While Lorelai is racing to get Rory to school, she laments the fact that she’s overslept, blaming it on the furry alarm clock she purchased.

“This is the last time I buy anything just because it’s furry,” she says. And it paints a clear picture of who Lorelai is as a character, capturing her strengths and flaws in one fell swoop.

Although Rory (and viewers) can count on Lorelai to be eccentric and charming, she often drops the ball at important times. On the flip side, Rory tends to be the more responsible of the two. And “The Lorelais’ First Day at Chilton” highlights that as well.

1 of Rory’s lines shows that she’s the parent of the household

While the events and lines from Gilmore Girls Episode 2 reveal that Lorelai’s careless at times, they also shed light on Rory’s role in their relationship. Sadly, Rory often winds up being the parent. She’s more responsible at the beginning of the show, and “The Lorelais’ First Day at Chilton” proves it.

Lorelai only wakes up and realizes they’re running late for Chilton because Rory starts shouting. “7:15! 7:16! 7:17!” she yells as her mother rushes to get ready. At 16 years old, Rory comes off as more punctual and mature than the woman who raised her. And while that isn’t always the case — Rory has quite a rebellious stage later on — it’s true for most of her high school career.

Emily Gilmore’s desire for closeness is apparent from ‘Gilmore Girls’ second episode


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The lines from Gilmore Girls Episode 2 paint a sadder picture of Rory and Lorelai’s relationship than most will remember. However, “The Lorelais’ First Day at Chilton” places Emily Gilmore in a positive light, even if Lorelai isn’t thrilled with her mother at the time.

Emily’s desire to be closer to her daughter and granddaughter is apparent from the beginning, but she doesn’t always convey that in the kindest or most direct way. Lorelai’s mother is often condescending, and one line captures that, while also highlighting that she cares.

Following their meeting with Chilton’s headmaster — during which Lorelai wears shorts and cowboy boots — Emily questions if she needs a ride home.

“Do you need a ride, or is your horse parked outside?” she asks, showing off her witty sense of humor by making a jab at Lorelai’s outfit.

But even if Emily makes Lorelai the butt of the joke, she still ensures her daughter has a way home. And she’d no doubt love to drive her, if only to spend some more time together.

Gilmore Girls is currently streaming on Netflix.

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