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Gilmore Girls is a show that fans rewatch every year. There are a lot of reasons for that. The series was not perfect. Still, it struck just the right chord. The show’s creator, Amy Sherman-Palladino, mixed just the right amount of humor with drama and the ideal portion of passive aggression to balance the tender moments. We’ve collected four of the sweetest Gilmore Girls moments to ever air. 

Richard and Emily Gilmore shared several sweet moments 

Most Gilmore Girls fans agree that Luke Danes and Lorelai Gilmore were the endgame couple of the series. Emily and Richard Gilmore, despite some of their more toxic traits, were truly sweet together, too. Richard’s decision to acquiesce to Emily during his season 1 hospital stay is cemented in our brains as one of the sweetest Gilmore Girls moments of the entire series. 

In the season 1 episode, “Forgiveness and Stuff,” Richard suffers chest pain and is taken to a local hospital. Terrified that Richard may die, Emily uncharacteristically broke down. To deal with her emotions, she tried to take control of the situation, insisting that Richard was not allowed to die. She demanded that Richard allow her to go first. Understanding Emily’s terror, he opted to comfort her by agreeing. He said, “Yes, Emily. You may go first.” 

Richard and Emily Gilmore didn’t often show it, but they were proud of their daughter

Lorelai’s relationship with her parents was always extremely tense. It was especially hard for Richard and Emily Gilmore to admit they were proud of their daughter and all she had accomplished, despite getting pregnant as a teenager. Every so often, the duo proved that they did care deeply about Lorelai and were proud of the woman she had become, even if it wasn’t the woman they had originally envisioned her becoming. 

Richard and Emily Gilmore stand together at a Yale football game in 'Gilmore Girls'
Richard and Emily Gilmore | Netflix/Gilmore Girls

“Lorelai’s Graduation Day,’ a season 2 episode, brought Richard and Emily to Lorelai’s business school graduation. While she didn’t graduate from Vassar, like Richard had assumed she would, he and Emily were proud nonetheless. The moment the two teared up seeing Lorelai walk the stage is one of the sweetest Gilmore Girls moments ever. 

Luke and Lorelai’s very first date was the scene of the sweetest ‘Gilmore Girls’ dialogue 

Luke Danes’ feelings for Lorelai Gilmore were obvious early in the series. In fact, their eventual relationship was foreshadowed as early as episode two of the series. Emily Gilmore knew the couple would eventually get together, too. Seeing their first date was inevitable, but the often surly Luke’s truly vulnerable speech made most Gilmore Girls fans swoon. 

Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore and Scott Patterson as Luke Danes smiling, holding hands in 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life'
Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore and Scott Patterson as Luke Danes | Saeed Adyani/Netflix

In the season 5 episode, “Written in the Stars,” Luke and Lorelai head out to Luke’s special place for their very first date. When Lorelai questioned Luke about how they met, he recounted how she had whirled into the diner looking for coffee, wrote him a horoscope, and told him to keep it. After producing the horoscope, he said to Lorelai, “Lorelai, this thing we’re doing here, me, you, I just want you to know I’m in. I am all in.” Such a show of emotion from Luke took Gilmore Girls fans a bit off guard, but it certainly was a sweet moment. It even set the tone for the rest of their relationship. 

Logan and Rory’s early friendship produced a sweet ‘Gilmore Girls’ moment, too

While not all Gilmore Girls fans are convinced that Logan Huntzberger was the right man for Rory Gilmore, one of their earliest interactions is among the sweetest moments in Gilmore Girls’ history. In “You Jump, I Jump, Jack,” Rory tagged along on a the Life and Death Brigade outing for a newspaper article. Initially, she was supposed to observe, but Logan, dedicated to getting Rory out of her shell, talked her into jumping off a platform with him. 


‘Gilmore Girls’: Emily Gilmore Called Luke and Lorelai’s Relationship in Season 1

Sure, the duo were not yet a couple, but there was something ever so romantic about them jumping off a platform, hands linked, in fancy clothes together. It set the tone for the couple’s eventual relationship, but more than anything, it showed that Logan knew exactly what Rory was capable of, even when she didn’t realize it herself.