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Gilmore Girls fans fall into one of three camps. They either strongly team Logan, team Jess or team Dean. Logan Huntzberger, Rory Gilmore’s college beau, was, by far, her most serious relationship. He even proposed to her, although she turned him down. Whether she was right to do so is debatable, but did her mother, Lorelai Gilmore, want her to marry Logan?

Lorelai never wanted her daughter to marry someone from her parent’s social circle

If Lorelai eventually liked Logan, it was against her best efforts. In fact, the deck was stacked against Logan without him ever knowing it. Lorelai’s own bias against people who existed within her parents’ world meant she was going to hate Logan initially no matter what. Rory seemed aware of that fact, too. She even prefaced her first conversation with Lorelai about Logan by acknowledging his family’s wealth would be problematic for Lorelai.

Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham on 'Gilmore Girls'
Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham on ‘Gilmore Girls’ | Mitchell Haddad/CBS Photo Archive via Getty Images

Lorelai certainly never wanted things to get serious between Rory and Logan. She considered him problematic long before Rory stole a boat with him. Her feelings were only cemented when Rory found herself in legal trouble with Logan. Lorelai seemed to pin all of Rory’s problems during her time at Yale on Logan. While unfair, things did start to unravel when he showed up on the scene.

To be fair, Lorelai didn’t really care for any of Rory’s boyfriends at first

Logan wasn’t the only beau that Lorelai couldn’t stand the idea of initially. In fact, Rory didn’t seriously date a single person that Lorelai wasn’t initially off-put by. When Rory started seeing Dean Forrester as a teenager, Lorelai was concerned that he would lead her astray. Eventually, Lorelai figured out that Dean was mostly harmless. She finally described him as the “best first boyfriend” that a mother could hope for.

After Dean, Rory dated Jess Mariano. While Lorelai eventually warmed up to Dean, she never warmed up to Jess. Thankfully, for Lorelai, the relationship was an incredibly short-lived one. Jess and Rory only dated for about six months during her senior year of high school. By the time she entered college, she was completely over him.

So, did she want Rory to Marry Logan?

If Lorelai was concerned about Rory getting sucked up into Logan’s world initially, those concerns eventually evaporated, or, at the very least, Lorelai made peace with the idea that Rory wanted to be a part of elite society. In the end, Lorelai seemed to like Logan well enough, although their relationship remained mostly distant.

Alexis Bledel as Rory Gilmore and Matt Czuchry as Logan Huntzberger in 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life'
Alexis Bledel as Rory Gilmore and Matt Czuchry as Logan Huntzberger | Netflix

‘Gilmore Girls’: 3 Reasons Logan Huntzberger Is Clearly the 1 For Rory Gilmore

So, did she want Rory to get married? Based on the look on her face when Logan asked her for her permission, the answer is a resounding no. There might have been another reason for the expressive look. Reddit fans point out that Lorelai’s greatest flaw was her inability to share Rory with other people. The look of deep sadness had nothing to do with Logan as a person. It had everything to do with Rory moving on without her. So, did she want her to get married? Probably not. Was It because Logan was not a good fit? Also, probably not.