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Many people have an impression of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay that’s based solely on his television persona.

He comes off as someone who is brash, talented, and driven, and people either view him as charming or a bully. Off camera, Ramsay’s friends, family, and employees have described him as warm.

Fans have seen Ramsay’s profanity-laced rants that are part of his signature, and they’ve also watched him go on epic foodie adventures around the world. In spite of his tough and surly exterior, Ramsay’s had one experience that tested his mettle and caused him to faint.

Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay visits Sway In the Morning on Shade 45 at SiriusXM Studios, 2018 | Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

Gordon Ramsay stays busy with family and TV

A father of five, Gordon Ramsay is spending quarantine with his family and welcomed the break from his hectic shooting schedule. He and his brood started posting cooking videos on Instagram to entertain and pass the time. The chef’s also taken to TikTok to offer funny critiques of home cooks who dare to share their creations.

On the television side, Ramsay’s National Geographic series Uncharted returned last summer, taking him to the far reaches of the planet for international cuisine.

He’s jumped out of a helicopter, caught food with his bare hands, and learned cooking methods that have made him uncomfortable. And Hell’s Kitchen is back on the air, an environment where he’s used to seeing the occasional injury.

But still, those things don’t compare to what took him out.  

Gordon Ramsay passed out during son’s birth

If ever the famous phrase, “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen” applied to someone, it did for Gordon Ramsay in one particular moment. For the birth of his fifth child, his wife Tana did not want him in the delivery room, a rule she established with the first four.

“Tana didn’t f*cking want me there!” Ramsay told Australian Woman’s Weekly. He said she banned him with all the others, but he insisted on being in the room for the new baby, and she relented.

To prepare for his wife’s c-section, Ramsay played Ed Sheeran’s music in the room. Not even that could soothe him. Between the operation and the weight of the moment, he fainted. The nurse was passing him the baby when he collapsed on the floor.

“It was hot in there, there was no air-conditioning, and the floor looked like the middle of a f*ckin’ abattoir,” Ramsay told the outlet. “I’m not good at that stuff. I know my strengths and that was my weakness,” he said.

Baby Oscar was born in 2019

The youngest of the Ramsay family was born 17 years after the couple’s fourth child. Oscar will be two in April and is often the star of Ramsay’s Instagram page. By all accounts, the famous chef is very affectionate and a softie when it comes to his children. But the one thing he won’t do is change diapers.


Gordon Ramsay Would Choose This 1 Dish as His Last Meal

Ramsay told Woman’s Weekly he’s not good at it and the process is just too much. “It’s the smell. I suppose if I was a gardener I could do that pureed guacamole easily, but as a chef? No. Tana’s brilliant at it,” he said.