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Halle Berry had to sport Storm’s iconic hair when she was cast as the character for the X-Men franchise. But initially, wearing the Marvel character’s hairdo was one of the least appealing aspects of playing her.

How Halle Berry reacted to having to wear Storm’s hair

Halle Berry posing in a black blazer at the Critics Choice Awards.
Halle Berry | Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

Berry has normally been someone who’s willing to lose some of her glamour for a movie role. She credited the film Jungle Fever for helping her show off her acting instead of her looks by playing a haggard drug addict.

“I am really comfortable with myself and the way I look,” Berry once told Review Graveyard. “I started my career playing a crack addict in Jungle Fever and got the beauty thing off the table and I love that. I love roles that allow me to do that and I know that as I get older, I will continue to choose roles that are age appropriate and I have no problem with not being an ingénue. I have no problem ageing and acting in front of the world.”

But Storm’s appearance proved to be a difficult hurdle for the actor to overcome at first. Storm is known for her white or platinum locks in comic books. But Berry could only see grey when playing the character. And she wondered if it was foreshadowing how she’d look when she was older.

“It is not even platinum blonde or white, her hair is grey this time, so it was a little daunting to put on a head full of grey hair. I thought: ‘Am I really going to make a movie looking like this?’ I thought: ‘Great,’” she said. “But after a couple of weeks, it became normal to me and I actually started to like it. So I thought: ‘OK as I get older I have nothing to worry about, I will be fine with a head full of grey hair.’”

Ironically, Berry would wear a hairdo reminiscent of her Storm character in her much older years. Berry celebrated her 56th birthday sporting gray hair, embracing her old age instead of running away from it.

“Feeling so much gratitude and love on this birthday! WOW,” she posted on social media according to Yahoo.

Halle Berry felt Storm was a bit underutilized in the ‘X-Men’ franchise


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Berry’s Storm has been a constant presence in the X-Men series. Her role seemed to gradually increase between the first X-Men film and The Last Stand. The 2014 movie X-Men Days of Future Past was the last time she was seen playing the character. After that film, it seems that her days of playing the mutant are over.

Still, Berry has shared that she’d be more than willing to reprise her role as Storm under the right circumstances. According to Jasmine Brand, Berry confided that she would’ve liked Storm to have a more prominent role. She believed her interpretation of Storm left a lot to be desired.

“I do wish Storm could come back in some way because that was a very beloved character,” she said. “I do think though, if I could shoot y’all straight, Storm was a little under-utilized, you know? I think she was a very beloved character and I can’t really say the series utilized her for all of her glory. You know?”

She highlighted a former Storm plotline in the comics as an example of the direction she’d like to see the mutant go in.

“And you know she and Wolverine had a thing. Like they had a thing in the comic books. And I always wondered why like, ‘how come Storm can’t get no Wolverine happening? You know? Like what’s up with that?’ But I don’t know, I think that ship has probably sailed. But it’s still one of my most loved and beloved characters,” she added.