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The finale of The Bachelor feels like it happened last decade (thanks, social distancing!) but it was only a few weeks ago. Fans were extremely disappointed in Weber’s decision to break off his engagement with Hannah Ann Sluss, especially after one of the most uneventful seasons in Bachelor history. 

Recently, Sluss was a guest on Nick Viall’s podcast, The Viall Files. She discussed how she’s dealing with quarantine, but more importantly, Sluss revealed what happened in the months leading up to The Bachelor finale.

Here’s what happened between Sluss and Weber in the short time they were engaged. 

Hannah Ann explains what happened after Peter Weber proposed
Peter Weber & Hannah Ann Sluss | John Fleenor via Getty Images

Peter Weber called off his engagement with Hannah Ann 

Shortly after Weber and Sluss returned to California, he invited her to his home only to break up with her. During his awkward breakup speech, Sluss asked Weber, “Why didn’t you just let me go?”

Weber tried to apologize for his actions, but Sluss interjected: “Sorry for what? I said ‘yes’ and I get this?” The two didn’t speak again until the live portion of the finale, where Sluss told Weber to “become a real man.”

Hannah Ann mourned losing Peter and his mom, Barbara

During her chat with Viall, Sluss mentioned how she had to “grieve and move on from” her breakup not only with Weber, but also Barbara. Sluss said she “adores” Barbara and “considered a second mother,” but to move forward, Sluss understood that she had to isolate herself from Weber and the rest of his family. 

What happened after Peter Weber proposed

Before Weber called the engagement off, he and Sluss shared a brief few days as a “happy couple.” Viall explained the “weird days” after a bachelor proposes, highlighting the “happy couple weekends” where the new couple is put up somewhere to get to know each other. “You go from this crazy show, and everyone’s like ‘Bye, good luck! Happy engagement!'” Viall explained.

Then Viall asked Sluss what every other fan of The Bachelor has been wondering since the finale aired:

What were some of the things you guys talked about right after the engagement? What questions did you have? At what moment did you feel like things might be a little off, or you questioned it? Or were you guys in the honeymoon phase?

Nick Viall, The Viall Files

Sluss explained how she and Weber spent a few additional days “in hiding” in Australia. “We had the best couple of days,” Sluss admitted, adding how she and Weber spent their time “getting to see who each other are on a day to day basis without the eyes and pressure of cameras around — being with each other without having these mics on [their] backs.”

During that time, Sluss said she and Weber asked a lot of questions to help them get to know each other a bit better. Sluss listed some of the “common questions” she asked Weber, including “‘What’s your favorite foods?'” and “‘What’s your cell phone number?'” 

Sluss also shared that she and Weber discussed future plans, jobs, and her eventual move to California prior to him calling off their engagement.

The ‘Family of Nine’ group chat 

During her interview with Viall, Sluss discussed how important it was for both her and Weber to get to know one another’s families. Despite their limited contact after the show wrapped, Sluss said they kept a group chat going that included both families “so [they] could feel united even though we were apart from each other.” The group message was aptly titled “Family of Nine.”

According to Sluss, that was the “coolest part” of her post-engagement time with Weber. FaceTiming with her family was “surreal because [she] hadn’t spoken to [her] family since hometowns.”

By the time “hometowns” aired, Sluss and Weber had already broken up. And as they say, the rest of Sluss and Weber’s story is history.