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Before Hannah Godwin was a reality TV star she was a model and an Instagram influencer. Now, of course, her modeling career’s taken off and she’s working more than ever. She’s also doing a lot more brand endorsing to her 1.5 million followers.

Hannah Godwin | OGUT/Star Max/GC Images
Hannah Godwin | OGUT/Star Max/GC Images

But with her newfound fame has also come more insecurities. Godwin recently did a Q&A with her Instagram followers where fans shared an assumption they had about her and she confirmed whether it was true or not.

Hannah Godwin’s biggest insecurity

“You have no insecurities because you’re beautiful, I wish I looked like you!! You’re perf,” wrote one fan.

“This is false, I definitely have a lot of insecurities. I’m constantly working on them and working on my confidence, though, and I’m very grateful and thankful to have all these eyeballs on me and stuff, that’s cool. But like it adds a lot of pressure and makes me question,” she responded.

Godwin also wrote that, since she’s been in the public eye, she’s been subject to more criticism than she’s ever been before.

“Wayyy more negative comments out there about myself that I never knew existed until the past year or so but hey new mindset ya can’t please everyone!” she wrote.

Last April when Godwin was on the “Mouthing Off” podcast with former Bachelor contestant Olivia Caridi, she spoke about her biggest insecurity.  

“I second guess myself a lot,” she said. “I’m indecisive just when I’m having conversations. I think, ‘Oh gosh they’re probably judging me right now.’ Anytime I say something I automatically think somebody is judging me. I’m just not confident in my words sometimes. I’m getting much better at it and just saying ‘screw it.’ But it’s been an issue in my life.”

Another fan asked Godwin if she’s shy.

“I think my funniest trick is that when I meet people they realize I’m not that shy. Maybe around some people but generally I’m like not that shy so surprise! I ain’t shy!” she said.  

“Maybe more awkward than shy (good days and bad days),” she captioned the video on her Instagram stories. “I was totally shy when I was little. Now I’m sometimes shy on random days for sure butttttt I think the show can only air so much obviously but I truly thought I was gonna be painted as the corky/weird gal in the bunch. Turns out ya’ll think I’m quiet but oh well [sic].”

Something Godwin’s not self-conscious about is her nose. One fan asked her if she’s ever gotten a nose job.

“I don’t know if this is a compliment or what. Like, this has been an ongoing thing guys come on it ain’t nothin’ special. I haven’t. Nothing against it. But I haven’t,” she said.

Hannah Godwin’s favorite quality she possesses

When Godwin was on “Mouthing Off,” she also shared her favorite attribute about herself.

“My positivity,” she said. “It’s helped a lot in instances that I’ve been through myself. I’ve been able to work through things. I don’t know if it’s an only child thing or what but I’ve been able to deal with things on my own. Also, it’s helped other people.”

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