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Every generation has a boy band that defines them. All millennials remember how NSync and Backstreet Boys were the soundtracks to their adolescence. For Gen Z, that band was One Direction. Though the band was only together for six years, they reached a level of success that most groups can only dream of, winning nearly 200 awards and releasing number one hit after number one hit.

In every boy band, there is one heartthrob that people are drawn to. In One Direction, that person was Harry Styles. His boyish good looks and carefree charm made him the it boy for teenagers everywhere. Since he broke out onto the scene, fans have wanted to know everything that there is to know about Styles. Unfortunately, he has been very private…until now.

Why hasn’t Styles been open about his life?

Most celebrities love to share every aspect of their lives. From what they wear to their daily plans, they bombard social media with all the minute details of their lives. Styles, on the other hand, doesn’t see the point of oversharing.

“For me, it doesn’t mean I’ll sit down and be like, ‘This is what I have for dinner, and this is where I eat every day, and this is what I do before I go to bed,'” he told Rolling Stone in the September issue. “But I will tell you that I can be really pathetic when I’m jealous. Feeling happier than I’ve ever been, sadder than I’ve ever been, feeling sorry for myself, being mad at myself, being petty and pitiful — it feels really different to share that.”

Has Styles done drugs?

Though Styles is normally pretty tight-lipped, he opened up to Rolling Stone about his former drug use.

“We’d do mushrooms, lie down on the grass, and listen to Paul McCartney’s Ram in the sunshine,” he said of his creative process at Shangri-La studios in California. “We’d just turn the speakers into the yard.”

And sometimes things got out of hand.

“There was one night where we’d been partying a bit and ended up going down to the beach and I lost all my stuff, basically,” he said.”I lost all my clothes. I lost my wallet. Maybe a month later, somebody found my wallet and mailed it back, anonymously. I guess it just popped out of the sand. But what’s sad is, I lost my favorite mustard corduroy flares.”

What did Styles do that could have cost his career?

Excessive partying is never good, but there was one time that it almost interfered with Styles’ career.

“You’d hear the blender going, and think, ‘So we’re all having frozen margaritas at 10 a.m. this morning,'” he continued “This is where I was standing when we were doing mushrooms and I bit off the tip of my tongue. So I was trying to sing with all this blood gushing out of my mouth. So many fond memories, this place. … ‘Mushrooms and Blood.’ Now there’s an album title.”

Luckily for Stlyes’ hordes of fans, his tongue healed properly and he was able to continue singing as if nothing had happened.