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House of the Dragon brought Daemon Targaryen to life. He is portrayed by Matt Smith, and fans are crushing on this character hard. It’s strange that Daemon became the series’ heartthrob after committing some despicable acts. However, director Clare Kilner knows that people love a bad boy.

[Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for House of the Dragon Episode 8.]

Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon. Daemon stands at the doorway to the throne room wearing armor and a crown.
Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in ‘House of the Dragon’ | Ollie Upton/HBO

Some fans were initially critical of Matt Smith’s casting as Daemon Targaryen

When rumors about Matt Smith’s casting in House of the Dragon emerged, the idea was quickly met with backlash. Winter is Coming reports that many fans felt while Matt Smith is a talented actor, he wasn’t right for the part of Daemon Targaryen. Before the series aired, fans also doubted that Smith could look “Targaryen enough” for the role, The Things wrote.

Obviously, Smith has completely proven skeptics and critics wrong. Not only is his acting being praised in House of the Dragon, but Daemon Targaryen has become something of a heartthrob. “Prior to the show, I did not think Matt Smith was attractive. I never watched him act before. He nailed this role, and I find the character of Daemon hot,” one Reddit user wrote.

‘House of the Dragon’ fans are crushing on Daemon

Fans have especially swooned over a scene in House of the Dragon Episode 8, where Daemon picks up King Viserys’ crown on his way to the Iron Throne. While speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, House of the Dragon director Clare Kilner and writer and executive producer Sara Hess were asked an important question about this scene:

“Wasn’t that Daemon helping the king do what he wanted him to do anyway — to make a ruling in his daughter’s favor? If Viserys was about to rule against Rhaenyra, Daemon would have let his brother fall flat on his face. In other words, aren’t all of Daemon’s moments, even the seemingly benevolent ones, ultimately self-serving?”


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Hess agreed with the outlet and doesn’t see the appeal to Daemon. “He’s become Internet Boyfriend in a way that baffles me,” she told THR. “Not that Matt isn’t incredibly charismatic and wonderful, and he’s incredible in the role. But Daemon himself is … I don’t want him to be my boyfriend!”

Daemon has certainly committed quite a few alarming acts already in House of the Dragon. He killed his first wife, Rhea, sliced open Vaemond Velaryon’s head without a second thought, and seduced a teenage Rhaenyra at a brothel.

Director Clare Kilner gets Daemon’s appeal

Despite all this, Smith’s charisma has turned many fans into Daemon fans. “They knew what they were doing casting Matt Smith. They needed an incredibly talented actor who also had a particularly attractive type of charisma and charm,” a Reddit user wrote. “Daemon is essentially a horrible human being who loves his family and doesn’t really have truly evil intentions.”

Clare Kilner also points out that people love a bad boy, and Daemon is especially charming in the moments where his softer side comes out. “I’m not surprised. Matt is such a risk-taker in his performances, and he’s got that little smile, and, you know … you can’t help it!” she told THR. “He is charismatic. People love a baddie.” However, Kilner added that Daemon is not “particularly a good father or a good brother.”

House of the Dragon airs Sunday nights at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.