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Brad Pitt’s rumored former flame, Neri Oxman, has found herself entangled in Jeffrey Epstein’s disturbing sex scandal. Oxman, a tenured professor at MIT, was involved in accepting donations from Epstein and sending him gifts, even after his crimes with underage women were exposed. Here’s everything we know about Oxman’s ties to the late financer turned sex offender.

Neri Oxman Jeffrey Epstein
Dr. Neri Oxman | Photo by Riccardo Savi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit

Inside Oxman’s first meeting with Epstein

Oxman enjoyed a brief stint of fame after she was linked to Pitt following his messy divorce from Angelina Jolie. The romance rumors lasted a few months but were never officially confirmed – raising the possibility that they were just good friends.

Fast forward a couple of years and Neri Oxman’s name was brought up in relation to reports about Epstein’s controversial donations to MIT. Oxman, who is a successful designer and architect, presented her work to Epstein in 2015 and was given a sizeable amount of money for her lab, Mediated Matter.

At the time, Epstein had already served time as a sex offender and was looking to donate money to make amends. MIT kept Jeffrey Epstein’s contributions a secret, not wanting to embroil the university in a sex scandal.

According to the Boston Globe, Oxman raised concerns about accepting money from Epstein but was assured by Media Lab director Joi Ito that the donation had been approved. MIT also told Oxman that the donation would be kept confidential.

“This is the first and only time I met Epstein,” Oxman shared. “Joi assured me that Epstein was an approved donor who wished to devote his fortune to science and technology, in part to make amends for wrongs he committed earlier in his life.”

MIT hoped that Epstein’s contributions would encourage other people to donate money. The university apparently never imagined that the public would one day get a hold of the information.

Oxman sends gifts to Jeffrey Epstein

After Epstein’s donation was secured, Oxman was instructed to send him thank you gifts on two separate instances. She was also invited to eat dinner with Epstein on more than one occasion but never did.

Two years ago, Oxman sent Epstein another present as an appreciation for his contribution to her lab. The gift was a 3-D printed marble that featured a light in the base. She sent the present to Epstein’s house in Manhattan.

A couple of Oxman’s students expressed concern about Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to the lab, but she assured them that the university was aware of his history and was keeping his donation secret.

In the wake of Epstein’s death, MIT has faced a lot of backlash for accepting money from a convicted sex offender. Ito resigned in light of the scandal and MIT has officially hired a law firm to investigate how Epstein’s donations were handled. 

Oxman has since expressed regret for accepting Epstein’s money. She also apologized to her former students for dragging them into the scandal. There is no telling what will happen to Oxman in the coming months, but the investigation into MIT’s connection to Epstein will continue.

Did Pitt and Oxman date?

As far as Brad Pitt is concerned, rumors of him dating Oxman peaked in 2018. At the time, Pitt was still involved in a heated custody battle with Jolie, and sources claimed that he was looking to dip his toes in the dating pool.

Pitt has been linked to a number of different women since his divorce, and reports surfaced in the spring of 2018 that he was spending more and more time with Oxman.

The rumors surfaced after an MIT student shared a photo of Pitt posing alongside Oxman in a group shot. Pitt was visiting Oxman’s class at the time and was a huge fan of her work.

In light of the reports, Oxman wrote an article for the New York Times denying the alleged romance with the World War Z star. Oxman explained how she has never dated Pitt and assured everyone that they are just good friends.

Oxman also confirmed that she is in a relationship with William A. Ackman, a well-known hedge fund manager. Inside sources later revealed that Pitt admires Oxman’s work and considers their relationship strictly professional.

Brad Pitt, who is dealing with his own family drama at the moment, has not commented on Oxman’s ties to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.