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Joanna Gaines may not have the biggest or the fanciest house on the block (though she could certainly afford it). But one thing she does have? A beautiful, relaxing retreat that she loves to raise her children in. And that is worth more than money and sprawling square footage any day.

How does Joanna Gaines deal with toy clutter?

Most parents have the same complaint: the toys are slowly taking over the house. No matter how intentional you try to be about purchasing fewer items, it’s inevitable that you wind up with overflowing bins of brightly colored toys. Probably the worst part is how kids are so overwhelmed by options that they wind up not playing with most of it.

The first thing Joanna Gaines does differently is to limit the number of toys she owns. It’s much easier to tidy up small amounts of toys than it is to find storage spots for hundreds of items.

How does she keep her house clean?

Joanna Gaines doesn’t have fancy organizing methods – in fact, her technique is brilliant in its simplicity. On her At Home blog, Gaines shared that she focuses on “creatively containing the mess” by keeping a basket for each child on the stairs with their name clearly labeled on it. That way when it comes time to clean up the room, the children can help pick up their toys and know exactly where to put everything.

She also recommends creating “intentional spaces” for items, like toys, craft supplies, and small miscellaneous items. Gaines subscribes to the notion that everything having a place means it’s easier to keep the whole house tidy.

Never make this common mistake when selecting storage baskets

The guru of farmhouse chic recommends choosing baskets or containers that fit your overall aesthetic. In other words… steer clear of those bright, primary-colored plastic bins made for kids if the rest of your home is decorated in cool neutrals.

“It’s the balance of practical and pretty that I love to incorporate in the home,” she explains on the blog. “Have fun finding containers that match your home’s style- unique baskets and labels are worth the initial investment!”

Choose storage to fit your lifestyle

Not everyone has the same kind of toy mess, so not everyone will benefit from the exact same solutions. Joanna Gaines says that the most frequent items she finds lying around include art pencils and Legos. She made a point of making those items accessible for her kids, but also well-contained in pretty containers.

She explains it this way: “Your space doesn’t have to look like mine, and it doesn’t have to be “perfect” for your kids to know that it’s a safe place to create and have fun being kids.”

What if you don’t have kids?

No kids? You can still use the Joanna Gaines method of organizing to your advantage. Corral bathroom clutter with pretty glass storage containers and kitchen messiness the same way. The cuter your storage containers, the more likely you are to love using them.

Joanna Gaines isn’t magical – she’s just practical. Following her sage advice for organizing can make your home more serene and peaceful, even with little kids at home!