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Hulu‘s How I Met Your Father is full of mysteries, from the father’s identity to why Sophie thinks she’s dating her biological dad. While we desperately hope the last one isn’t true, we can’t wait to see it all play out. And episode 2, “The Midwife Crisis,” introduced another mystery — who purchased Sophie’s portrait from the art gallery? Thankfully, How I Met Your Father Season 2 Episode 3, “The Reset Button,” contains the answer.

Hilary Duff as Sophie and Chris Lowell as Jesse in 'How I Met Your Father' Season 2 Episode 3, 'The Reset Button.' Sophie wears a blue and orange tank top. Jesse wears a dark brown button-up shirt over a white shirt.
Hilary Duff as Sophie and Chris Lowell as Jesse | Photo by: Patrick Wymore/Hulu

Sophie’s photo got sold in ‘How I Met Your Father’ Season 2 Episode 2

Sophie, played by Hilary Duff, spent most of How I Met Your Father Season 2 Episode 2 lying. She was anxious about her portrait of Jesse not selling and wanted to impress Meredith. So Sophie fibbed and told Jesse’s ex-fiancé/current girlfriend/music partner that someone had bought the photo.

Sophie continued her lying warpath in “The Midwife Crisis,” which included helping one of her neighbors give birth. All the while, she impatiently waited for news regarding her artwork.

At the end of How I Met Your Father Season 2 Episode 2, Sophie finally got a call from the art gallery. Someone purchased her portrait, leading to Sophie jumping up and down and essentially telling Meredith to suck it. However, the identity of the buyer was left unknown.

Sophie meets the buyers in episode 3 — will they have a connection to ‘How I Met Your Mother’?

The synopsis for How I Met Your Father Season 2 Episode 3, “The Reset Button,” reads, “After selling her portrait, Sophie recruits Jesse to help her impress the buyers. Val and Ellen go on a double date. Charlie forces a reluctant Sid and Hannah into a double date in reaction to Val.”

Sophie will meet whoever purchased her photograph in the next episode. And we believe that the mysterious person might have ties to How I Met Your Mother.

As fans recall, Lily was an art collector for the Captain in the original series. It’s quite possible that Lily bought Sophie’s portrait for the Captain, which means that either one could appear in episode 3. The Captain is more likely since Kyle MacLachlan has already appeared in How I Met Your Father.

However, we wouldn’t be surprised if the buyer was a new character. Barney Stinson just made a surprise appearance in How I Met Your Father Season 2 Episode 1. So it might be too soon for another How I Met Your Mother character to make a cameo.

Whatever the case may be, viewers know that the picture ends up back in Sophie’s possession. And we’re sure that’s another mystery the show will solve over the course of its run.


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Fans share their predictions for the next cameo

After learning that Sophie would meet the buyer of her portrait in How I Met Your Father Season 2 Episode 3, fans shared their theories regarding their identity on Reddit.

“It seems like they don’t want to overdo the main cast cameos, maybe one per season,” one fan pointed out. “BUT could be another couple from the original show or an ex-girlfriend (Stella).”

A Reddit user commented, “I could see them maybe if anything showing just Tracy or just Lily or just another couple from the OG show. I don’t think Ted or Marshall are coming until later.”

Someone else said, “If it’s not Ranjit and his lovely wife, we riot.”

How I Met Your Father Season 2 Episode 3, “The Reset Button,” premieres Tuesday, Feb. 7, on Hulu.