How Teal Piper Carries on Rowdy Roddy’s Tradition in WOW
When Roddy Piper passed away in 2015, he left an unfillable void in the wrestling world. Even if he hadn’t been in the ring as often, he was still a presence in WWE and his personality looms over the entire sport. Now his daughter is going into the family business. Teal Piper is joining Women of Wrestling.

Born Ariel Teal Toombs, Teal Piper decided to go into the family business this year. Showbiz Cheat Sheet participated in a conference call on August 27th to hear about her wrestling plans, where she discussed her father’s legacy and how it will impact her career. Teal Piper debuts on Women of Wrestling live on September 18.
Teal Piper says her father supported women in wrestling
During Rowdy Roddy Piper’s days in wrestling, women were mainly managers or supporting characters like Miss Elizabeth. GLOW didn’t quite take off in the ‘80s, but today WWE has its own women’s division, women are prolific in All Elite Wrestling and of course, there’s Women of Wrestling.

“I always say that my dad would have been so proud of me. He would’ve really loved me being with WOW because he used to always say, he has three daughters and he’s a feminist at heart. I think he would have been very proud of everything WOW is doing and the way they represent all the young ladies there. I do think he would have been very excited for me to be signing with WOW.”
Teal Piper, conference call 8/27/19
Teal Piper may be a villain like Rowdy Roddy
Rowdy Roddy Piper’s biggest arc in wrestling was as the villain to Hulk Hogan. Teal said she may take on some of her father’s heel play.

“I do think there will be elements of my dad,” Piper said. “He was a heel and I think he really liked being a heel. So there’s going to be elements of him but again, I’m definitely I think have my own body language in the ring and my own way of thinking in the ring. Teal Piper’s going to be its own character for sure.”
Teal Piper talks like her father
Half of a wrestler’s job is public speaking. They have to get on the mic, trash talk their opponent and rile up the crowd. Teal Piper learned that from her father.

“When I get on the mic is partly from my dad, but I definitely have my own technique and personality on the mic,” Piper said. “ Easiest for me is obviously on the mic. I’m coming from a camera background and my father and everything. That is an area I feel a lot more comfortable in.”
Teal Piper will have her father’s sense of humor
Rowdy Roddy Piper brought a lot of humor to wrestling. For example, his Piper’s Pit interview segment, he once hit Jimmy Snukka with a coconut.
“For example, the coconut. I watch that and I see a lot of my dad’s personal sense of humor,” Piper said. “He was a funny guy so I mostly watch it for those elements.”

Some have already noticed Piper hamming up her WOW promos like her father with some of the same looks and expressions.
“I am his kid,” Piper said. “That’s going to happen.”
Teal Piper will get hurt just like her father
Roddy Piper took a beating in his career in wrestling. All wrestlers do. Even when you win, you fall on your back from drastic heights.
“If you’ve ever been a ring and really worked at it, you can’t fake falling 10 feet,” Piper said. “That hurts. Like my dad used to say, you might not think wrestling real but I can make you believe I am. It feels pretty real. I’m just training as hard as I can and trying to bring my own personality and aspect into WOW.”
Teal Piper won’t replace Roddy but she’ll keep the family business going
No one can replace Roddy Piper, but he wouldn’t want the Piper legacy to end with him.

“Obviously, they’re big shoes to fill and nobody’s going to fill them,” Piper said. “I’m just trying to make my own footprints here. Am I trying to be my dad? No, I’m not but I recognize that I am his kid and I have to make my own footprints for my kid to stress over someday.”