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Tyra Banks is a professional supermodel who has reached new levels of fame and success over the years. Banks’ impressive modeling career and ambitious drive have led her to many exciting business pursuits.

Banks created the reality television show America’s Next Top Model that first began airing in 2003. Banks’ reputation for embracing the diversity of appearance and beauty is largely evident in her television series.

Banks understands what matters most, and find out what she has been doing to make sure her son does too. 

What do we know about Tyra Banks’ son? 

When Banks and Erik Asla, her long term boyfriend at the time, began planning for parenthood they made the decision to use a surrogate to welcome their child into their world. Banks’ child was born on January 27, 2016, and the supermodel excitedly broke the news on Instagram.

Next to the photo of the precious baby hat she shared, Banks wrote: “As we thank the angel of a woman that carried our miracle baby boy for us, we pray for everyone who struggles to reach this joyous milestone. York Banks Asla, welcome to the world.”

The world didn’t get any glimpses of the baby until months after he was born. The public was thrilled when Banks finally revealed a photograph of the adorable child to her fans and followers in celebration of Father’s Day.

Banks has already spoken out about not wanting to push York into the model business, and that is why she is somewhat hesitant to share photos of York on social media. If he becomes interested in modeling Banks would, of course, support him, but she by no means wants him to feel obligated to follow a certain path.

However, Banks has gone on the record applauding York’s ability to smize. After all, as Banks said, it’s “in his genes.”

Is Tyra Banks still in a relationship with Erik Asla? 

Model, actress, and author Tyra Banks
Tyra Banks | Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank/ Getty Images

It has been a few years since Banks and Asla welcomed their child into the world, and some fans are wondering if the couple is still together. Unfortunately, the couple has decided to since split.

Shortly after York was born Banks and Asla made the mutual decision to end things. Banks confirmed that the break-up was drama-free.

Since then the couple has been working together to co-parent their very cute son. Banks has started dating again, but the professional supermodel definitely seems to make parenting her top priority. Find out how Banks is teaching her son meaningful life lessons at such a young age. 

What important lessons is Tyra Banks teaching her son? 

Fans always appreciate Banks’ candid nature when it comes to sharing her experiences with parenting. In a recent interview, the former famous TV show shared a few anecdotes of how she tries to help her son navigate everyday issues and topics that come up.

For instance, Banks shared a heartfelt story about York struggling with one of his items that had gotten slightly damaged. When York declared that he didn’t want it since it was no longer “perfect,” Banks swooped in to have an important mom-moment for her. Banks went on to say that they know have a little jingle they sing to help remember that broken is beautiful. 

Speaking of beauty, Banks is making sure her son has a healthy understanding of acceptance and diversity. She shared another story about a moment that York was praising her for looks while wearing her wig.

Banks made it a point to check-in with the young child and also talk about how she looks without her wig. After giving it some thought, York concluded that his mom did indeed look just as beautiful without her wig on. York’s innate sense of positivity and acceptance might have just been genetically inherited from Banks.

Banks said: “I’m trying to teach him [positive] messages because I’m his first role model when it comes to beauty and accepting different types of women, so we practice that a lot at home.”

Her fans and the public have always loved her for her remarkable modeling, but now the world is being impressed by Banks when it comes to her parenting.