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Wendy Williams’ ex-husband Kevin Hunter’s infidelity is no secret. Their divorce came after Williams discovered Hunter’s secret love child. But Williams reveals in her upcoming Lifetime television movie and documentary that it wasn’t Hunter’s first affair. She first learned of Hunter’s cheating ways after giving birth to their son.

Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter
Wendy Willams and Kevin Hunter | Erik T. Kaiser/PMc

Wendy Williams discovers Kevin Hunter’s affair two months after the birth of their son

Williams and Hunter met in 1994 while Williams was hosting a kids skating party in New York City. The two fell in love quickly and within months of dating became pregnant with their first child. Unfortunately, Williams would suffer a miscarriage at five months.

The two married and became pregnant again. History would repeat itself, leaving Williams to give birth to a stillborn daughter five months into her pregnancy. Her third pregnancy with Hunter would prove to be a success by Williams remaining on bed rest throughout the entire duration. Their son, Kevin Jr., was born in 2000.

Source: YouTube

Related: Why Wendy Williams Doesn’t Regret Staying With Her Cheating Ex-Husband, Kevin Hunter

But just two months into motherhood, Williams discovered Hunter had an affair. She recalled the discovery in her upcoming Lifetime documentary Wendy Williams: What a Mess.

“I wake up like 2:00 in the morning to go in the bathroom, I’d just delivered him like two months ago, Big Kev wasn’t in the bed and then I walked into little Kev’s nursery and I hear my husband talking greasy on the phone up in one of the guest rooms,” Williams explains. “And he was clearly talking to a girl. And then, I lose it…he told me it was some girl, some bank teller he met at a bank, he’s ending it and so on and so forth and I honestly believed that.”

Williams says she forgave Hunter for the sake of their family and because she truly loved him.

Wendy Williams discovers Kevin Hunter’s longterm affair by hiring a private investigator 

Despite Williams forgiving Hunter, his cheating ways did not stop. She told Billy Bush in a recent interview that Hunter cheated throughout their marriage.

“Kevin cheated on me while I was pregnant with my son and I found out and I could have divorced him then,” she told Billy Bush. “But I said no, I have a son…but I didn’t want him to leave me by myself and I knew Billy that it was not til death do us part…Kevin was a serial cheater – Kevin had different mistresses depending on the part of his life. This last one was the one he had the longest term relationship with.”

Source: YouTube

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She discovered Hunter’s long-term mistress was pregnant with his child after hiring a private investigator. 

“I heard buzzings and rumblings and so I hired a P.I….I found a whole lot of stuff,” she explains in the upcoming Lifetime documentary. “Kevin had gone to LA for business…this guy is telling me that Kevin is in Miami with the girl…the PI was taking pictures of them going to the gym, going to dinner, her with Gucci, Poochi, and Lucchi…this backwoods Barbie, he was tricking up money, she was in the backseat of my Ferrari Rolls Royce…”

Williams filed for divorce from Hunter in 2019. Their divorce was finalized in January 2020.