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Actor James Caan once stormed off David O. Russell’s Nailed over an on-set disagreement. However, it isn’t the first instance of an actor not getting along with the Oscar-nominated director. Caan died on July 7, 2022 and his fans are taking a look back at his career. Here’s one of the times where the actor stood up for himself against a director.

James Caan signed on to star in David O. Russell movie, ‘Accidental Love’

James Caan, who stormed off David O. Russell movie set, smiling and wearing a tan suit jacket
James Caan | Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic

Accidental Love originally started production under the title Nailed back in 2008. However, the title ultimately changed along the way of the controversial production. The romantic comedy follows a clueless politician who falls in love with a restaurant server. However, he finds her behavior strange after a nail gun accident that results in some erratic behavior.

A collection of financial issues ultimately led to multiple production freezes, which led to Russell ultimately abandoning the production. He disowned the project, but the film still ultimately received a release date in 2015. However, Russell wasn’t the only person to abandon the production, as Caan also refused to stay, but for entirely different reasons.

James Caan once stormed off the David O. Russell set over coughing and chocking differences

The Hollywood Reporter reported in 2008 that Caan stormed off the set of the Russell comedy, Accidental Love. According to the report, the actor left the set after creative differences surrounding a cookie. Caan was only set to film for two days, but the problems occurred on the first day.

The scene in question finds Caan’s character, the U.S. Speaker of the House, choking to death on a cookie. Russell wanted Caan to cough as he choked to death. However, the actor totally disagreed with this direction decision. He explained to Russell that it isn’t possible for the character to cough and choke simultaneously.

Russell wanted Caan to perform the scene both ways with choking and coughing. However, the actor explained that the director likely wouldn’t take his notes into consideration in the final cut. As a result, he stormed off the South Carolina set.

The report explained that Caan’s representative refused to confirm or deny any of the specifics. However, they said that there were “creative differences” and that the departure was “amicable.”

Producer Douglas Wick said that the discussion was professional on Russell’s part.

The director is trending for abusive on-set behavior


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However, Caan and Russell’s dispute wasn’t the first to come from the filmmaker’s past. His past temper tantrums on the set of other movies overshadowed the trailer release of his upcoming Amsterdam. Russell had nasty on-set feuds with actors such as George Clooney, Lily Tomlin, and Amy Adams.

Moviegoers around the world mourn the loss of Caan at the same time that they’re slamming Russell for his on-set behavior. The public may never know the full truth of what occurred between the actor and the filmmaker, but it’s clear that many folks are less willing to accept such behavior in the workplace.