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Jane Fonda has been a major name in Hollywood for decades. At first glance, she does not appear to be in her 80s but younger. While she has had her ailments, she keeps going due to her fitness routine and diet.

Working out has been something Fonda has done since the 1980s. She created her first home video in 1982 and made a lot of money off of it. However, the money went somewhere else other than her pockets.

Jane Fonda is a fitness guru

Fonda has had a long career in acting, and she is still active in the industry. Her famous works include Grace and Frankie, 9 to 5, and Monster-in-Law. Fans also know the star for her dedication to staying fit throughout the years.

In the 80s, Fonda released multiple home workout tapes for people to use. The video is Jane Fonda’s Workout, and the Jane Fonda website notes the series has 22 titles. She returned to the health and fitness scene for a primetime series in 2010.

Fonda noticed that the market tends to neglect the older population. Even though the actor has aged, she has provided tips to maintain an exercise regime. The fitness guru encourages fans to make necessary changes over time rather than stop moving.

In recent years, Fonda explained what she likes to do to remain active. She tends to cross-country ski, does yoga, or performs resistance training to keep fit. Fonda’s regular engagement with fans and her use of profits has led to loyal followers. 

Money from ‘Jane Fonda’s Workout’ was not for profit

Jane Fonda’s Workout became a high-selling video upon its release. Many people probably felt like Fonda’s fitness series helped bring positive changes in their lives. When the actor discusses her workout video to Vanity Fair, she reveals why she created it.

“I needed to start a business that would throw off enough money that could support the California campaign for economic democracy,” Fonda said. “That’s what the Jane Fonda Workout did. I learned the workout from Leni Cazden. I didn’t realize how the timing was perfect. It was what people were waiting for.”

The video made plenty of money, and Fonda put a significant portion of profits toward a helpful cause. Part of the reason she was successful was that people did not have to go to a gym to exercise. The home video market was prosperous for the first time.

In fact, Fonda made it to the video hall of fame without needing to be a scientist or engineer. Her workout series helped people be active. Her donation to the campaign is unsurprising to some since she is a known activist.

Jane Fonda supports multiple social causes

Jane Fonda attends 'Grace and Frankie' season 6 screening
Jane Fonda | Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Netflix

Why Jane Fonda Felt ‘Wrong’ About Winning Her First Oscar

Among Hollywood actors, Fonda is the most active when it comes to civil rights activism. She heavily criticized the Vietnam War in the 70s and even traveled to the country to protest. The actor also supports movements that progress women’s rights and other social issues.

Of course, Fonda’s political activism would land her in hot waters. She is no stranger to the police and has faced an arrest multiple times. In 2019, she protested every week to promote emissions reforms.

While Fonda worked to fight climate change in Washington DC, law enforcement arrested her five times. Fans remember the photos of her in zip ties while officers escorted her. She stood out in her bright red coat and did not seem to have regrets.

Even today, Fonda is vocal about the social causes she has a passion for. Fans can visit her social media pages to see what she is up to currently.