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Jennifer Lawrence, better known to her fans as the actor who embodies the character of Katniss Everdeen, is well known for her tendency to say and do outrageous things. Lawrence’s no-filter attitude is not only funny but refreshing as well, and over the years, fans have learned a lot about her favorite things through various interviews. In a 2016 interview with Glamour, Lawrence talked about a few of the things that she can’t live without, including everything from red wine to a food creation that combines multiple food groups into one insanely addictive sandwich. 

What did Jennifer Lawrence say about her bizarre food invention?

Jennifer Lawrence smiling in front of a wood paneled wall
Jennifer Lawrence | Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Lawrence doesn’t believe in restricting herself when it comes to her favorite foods. In a no-holds-barred 2016 interview, Lawrence revealed the secret to creating a “chili pizza sandwich.” Lawrence detailed what she called her “greatest food invention,” saying “It’s called a chili pizza sandwich. You have a piece of pizza, you put chili in it, Southern chili, with noodles, and then another piece of pizza and then you eat it like a sandwich.”

Lawrence denied being drunk or hungover when she put the concoction together, saying that she “was completely sober, totally sober.” She didn’t reveal how many times she indulges in the treat during the course of a year, but it seems likely that the “chili pizza sandwich” isn’t something that can easily be consumed weekly. 

What are Jennifer Lawrence’s favorite foods?

Lawrence doesn’t limit her cravings to just her infamous “chili pizza sandwich.” Lawrence’s favorite foods are well-documented, and include such fast-food staples as McDonald’s French fries, pizza (of course), cookies, ice cream, and Doritos chips. Lawrence is an admitted snacker, and once, she even revealed that she brought a purse full of snacks to the Academy Awards, because she was afraid that there wouldn’t be enough food during the ceremony.

While many Hollywood actresses adopt super-restrictive diets or even cut out certain food groups entirely, Lawrence has never been one to deny herself the food that she loves, and she also doesn’t believe in starving her body. In fact, on the occasions when she has to get in fighting shape for a movie, she still follows a diet that allows her to work in all of her favorites. 

Jennifer Lawrence believes in following the rule of ‘balance’


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There have been a few times in her career when Jennifer Lawrence has been called on to really transform her body for a role — such as in the case of the 2018 thriller, Red Sparrow. Lawrence revealed that she had to count calories in order to get in character as a dangerous ex-ballerina. “I can’t be in character as an ex-ballerina and not feel like an ex-ballerina…I’ve always wondered what it would take to get me to really diet because I’ve never done it for a movie. I remember having a meltdown, freaking out that I had eaten five banana chips,” the actor revealed.

She admitted that she doesn’t like to diet, but by incorporating realistic treats, such as dark chocolate, and lots of exercises, she is able to achieve the goals that she sets for herself.

“I love to train,” Lawrence said. “Afterward, we go out for burgers and fries,” she said. “It’s all about balance!”

Lawrence is very active and likes to train with a mixture of archery, climbing, combat, yoga, and other forms of strength training. Clearly, Lawrence isn’t one of those celebrities who are willing to starve in order to fit an unrealistic mold that is set by the entertainment industry.