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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death on Sept. 18 shocked the nation and world. Despite her ongoing battle with pancreatic cancer, Ginsburg, 87, was ferociously dedicated to her duties on the bench.

Singer and actor Jennifer Lopez met Ginsburg in 2019 and was clearly moved and influenced by the jurist’s presence and words.

Ginsburg’s passing was difficult news for Lopez to hear this week.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg | Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Getty Images

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez met Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2019

Lopez, along with her fiancé, former Yankees shortstop Alex Rodriguez, met Ginsburg in 2019. Meeting the Supreme Court Justice riveted Lopez; she was moved and inspired by what Ginsburg worked and fought for throughout her life and career.

Lopez said in part of her meeting in 2019 with Ginsburg, “I was in awe of her, watching how powerful and sharp she is, how clear and full of wisdom… I loved her advice for a happy marriage, but my favorite response of hers was to a question I asked about the country seeming so broken right now and divided, and that it’s sad to me, and what should Alex and I be doing… how can we help?”

“And she said, ‘Keep doing what you’re doing…’ And following that piece of sage advice… that’s what we intend to do.”

Jennifer Lopez’s grieved and grateful post about Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Now, a year after meeting the Supreme Court Justice, Lopez reacted to the news of her death. The 51-year-old star expressed her grief at Ginsburg’s passing and gratitude for the moments spent with her in 2019.

“I am heartbroken to hear of the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” Lopez wrote. “She was a true champion of gender equality and was a strong woman for me and all the little girls of the world to look up to.

For someone like Lopez who has accomplished a great deal in her life, it must be rare to meet another person who rallies others to do even more.

“Throughout my life, I’ve been fortunate to meet so many amazing people … but there’s those select few where there’s an instinct inside you that tells you to pay close attention. And I did. When I met her I was hanging on to her every word…Thank you RBG for fighting all these years. We will honor you by continuing to fight for equality, empathy and justice for all.”

Ginsburg’s tried-and-true marriage advice to Jennifer Lopez

At the time of their meeting in 2019, the Let’s Get Loud singer asked Ginsburg, who had been married 50 years to Martin Ginsburg until his death in 2010, for her secret to a lasting marriage.

In a 2019 conversation with Jimmy Fallon, Lopez opened up about the wise advice Ginsburg passed on to her. It was advice that the judge herself had received from another wise woman.

Lopez related to Fallon her conversation with Ginsburg, “‘You had the most amazing marriage. What’s the marriage advice? Give me the secret, please! I need it.’” Ginsburg replied, “‘I’ll tell you what my mother-in-law told me on my wedding day, which was, ‘It’s good to be a little deaf sometimes.’

“But it was so simple and wise, you know what I mean? She goes, ‘And I’ve used that not only in my marriage but in my job.’”