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Now a cult classic, the Amanda Seyfried movie Jennifer’s Body didn’t get a strong reception when it debuted in 2008. Also starring Megan Fox, the film featured a lot of dark, outdoor scenes, including some that pushed its stars. Years later, Seyfried explained why the cast was so cold while filming.

Amanda Seyfried played Needy in ‘Jennifer’s Body’

While most think of Jennifer’s Body as a Megan Fox movie, Seyfried also played a vital role. The film focused on Anita “Needy” Lesnicki and her best friend, Jennifer, who have a fairly codependent friendship. The more conservative Needy accompanies Jennifer to a bar one night. Jennifer goes off with a group of men, only for a pagan ritual to go horribly wrong. Who does she turn to then? Needy, of course.

Needy spends the movie in a monogamous relationship with Chip (Johnny Simmons) before her bestie’s bloodlust ends it. But Needy’s personality doesn’t stop her from being just as enamored with Jennifer as the rest of the residents of Devil’s Kettle, Minnesota, even though Jennifer treats her poorly well before being transformed into a demon. 

Their complicated dynamic represents the intensity of high school relationships and the sometimes blurry line between platonic and romantic love. Some readings of Jennifer’s Body view Needy as having a crush on Jennifer. While that question is left open-ended, it is clear that Needy is the only person who views Jennifer as a person, adding a layer of melancholy to the wet and bloody third act of Jennifer’s Body.  

Amanda Seyfried says she, Fox, and Simmons were ‘freezing’ during 1 scene

jennifers body amanda seyfried
(L-R) Actors Megan Fox, Johnny Simmons and Amanda Seyfried pose at the “Jennifer’s Body” Hot Topic Fan Event at Hollywood and Highland on September 16, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. | Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Seyfried spoke with Vanity Fair for a compilation of her notable scenes throughout her career. When talking about Jennifer’s Body, she expresses a deep feeling of pride in being a part of the movie. But the experience wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine. 

In addition to all of the character work Seyfried and the rest of the cast underwent while making Jennifer’s Body, they also had to contend with the elements due to the movie’s shooting schedule. 

“I just remember being cold a lot during this movie, because we were shooting it at night because it’s a thriller and a lot of thrillers are shot at night,” the actor explained after watching the climactic final battle in the school pool. “We were all freezing… this was an acting exercise like no other. I don’t think I’ve ever done a scene like this in my life.”

Scenes involving water are not Seyfried’s forte


‘Jennifer’s Body’ Taught Amanda Seyfried What She Doesn’t Like to Do as an Actor

Seyfried has a clear recommendation for those wanting to act in scenes that involve a pool, ocean, etc. “Don’t do it,” she said simply. “Don’t ever shoot in water.”

These scenes are like any other moment in a movie in that it can take days or weeks before a director gets the best take that makes it into the final cut. That means any scene involving water requires long hours of uncomfortable dampness.   

“So every time you see somebody wet in a movie, they’re not just wet for a minute or two. They’re wet for like two days straight, and there’s warming tents and hot water bottles, but you know, you have to act through it,” Seyfried said. Still, she clearly enjoyed being a part of the film — save for those parts.