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Most people know Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi because of her reality star status, thanks to Jersey Shore and Jersey Shore: Family Vacation. But when she’s not filming for MTV or parenting her three kids, “Snooki” is exploring her spiritual side. Learn more about why Polizzi meditates and her reasons for tapping into her spirituality and connecting with her spirit guide. 

'Jersey Shore' star Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi poses for a SiriusXM event
Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi | Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi likes to ‘talk to the spirit world’

In an interview with Allison Kugel before Jersey Shore: Family Vacation debuted season 1 in 2018, Polizzi opened up about her spirituality. “I’m into meditation and I recently opened up my third eye,” Polizzi explained. “I like to meditate a lot — I like to talk to the spirit world and to my spirit guide.” 

Doing so helps the reality star stay grounded and humble, especially at the beginning of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation. After six years away from the show, Polizzi also said tapping into her spiritual side helped her stay calm. 

‘Jersey Shore’ star met her spirit guide through meditation

During her conversation with Kugel, Polizzi elaborated on the other reasons she incorporated meditation into her life. “It also helps me with my anxiety,” the Jersey Shore star said. “One of my best friends is a medium, and I wanted to explore my brain a little bit. The first time we meditated together I met my spirit guide.” 

Polizzi encourages Jersey Shore fans who are interested in meditating to seek a mentor or “someone who knows everything about it who can help.” In her experience, meditating on your own, “you don’t really know what you’re doing … it’s helpful to have someone talk you through the process.”

A family tragedy help Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi’ open her third eye 

Alexa Perri died in 2015. She was her father’s fiancé’s daughter, who Polizzi fondly referred to as her step-sibling. 

“Rest in peace angel,” she wrote on Instagram. “I love you.” As explained in an episode of Hollywood Medium, Polizzi’s step-sister Lex “overdosed out of nowhere.” Polizzi said she suffered from depression her entire life. 


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According to New Jersey spiritual medium Gina Marie, Polizzi’s step-sister’s death was accidental. “Snooki” wanted to continue her connection with her Lex, so she worked with Gina Marie. 

“I always felt very intuitive, but I never knew what to do with it,” Polizzi explained in a YouTube video from 2017. Gina Marie mentored Polizzi in meditation and helped opened her third eye, allowing “Snooki” to maintain her connection with the spirit world.

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi still meditates

Today, meditation is still part of Polizzi’s routine, as explained in an MTV video promoting mental health on Instagram. “What I do to support my mental health is I love running,” she said. “[Meditation is also] something I’ve been doing for a while now. Simply being alone in a room and putting on nice, relaxing music and you literally just relax.”

The MTV reality star also said she avoids social media comments. Overall, “working out, meditating, and drinking lots of wine” help keep her mental health in check. 

See more from Polizzi next year. She and her roommates return in a new season of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation airing on Jan. 6, 2022.