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The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected many aspects of people’s lives. For instance, with gyms across the U.S. being closed for several months, some folks have put working out on the back burner.

However, Jessica Simpson is not one to neglect her workout routine because of a pandemic. She reveals that she still tries to stay active, though her quarantine workout is a rather simple one. In fact, it is something many people can do at home as well.

Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson | Randy Holmes via Getty Images

Jessica Simpson lost 100 pounds after her last pregnancy

In March 2019, Simpson gave birth to her third child, Birdie Mae. Several months later, it was revealed she had lost 100 pounds after her pregnancy.

“6 months. 100 pounds down (Yes, I tipped the scales at 240),” she wrote on Instagram. “My first trip away from #BIRDIEMAE and emotional for many reasons, but so proud to feel like myself again. Even when it felt impossible, I chose to work harder.”

Simpson’s personal trainer, Harley Pasternak, also shared the details of what his client did to lose 100 pounds in six months. Pasternak told People that he helped Simpson establish a routine, and he made sure she did five things everyday: “getting in her steps, unplugging from technology for an hour, getting sleep, eating healthfully and exercising.”

Simpson does a lot of walking and only hits the gym three days a week for 45 minutes each, according to Pasternak. Additionally, she ate a diet consisting of protein, fiber, and fat.

Pasternak’s routine with Simpson was never about losing 100 pounds, but the weight loss simply happened after she adopted a healthy lifestyle.

He said, “My work with her is more about the habits she’s created and kept up… She’s hit her step goal, she’s eaten well, she’s balanced her responsibilities — so she can go to bed with a sense of fulfillment, and that’s everything. And as a byproduct of doing these habits, she lost 100 lbs.”

Simpson reveals how she is being active during quarantine      

The pandemic has reportedly changed up Simpson’s workout routine a bit, though she continues to try to stay active.

Simpson shared with Hollywood Life that she has not been working with a trainer like before, but she is still walking a lot and getting her steps in.

“I like to like track my steps, keep myself accountable, and to just know my movement throughout the day,” Simpson said. “If I haven’t moved enough, I’ll make sure and get in extra steps the next day. For me, it’s moderation – I don’t put too much pressure on myself.”

Simpson wants to teach her daughters to have a positive mindset toward their weight


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At the end of the day, Simpson wants her daughters to learn to not tie their self-worth to their weight. Aside from Birdie Mae, she has an 8-year-old daughter named Maxwell.

In a 2013 blog post on, as reported by E! News, Simpson wrote, “Raising Maxwell makes me realize that I don’t want her to see me beat myself up for things like food choices or numbers on a scale. I don’t want her to learn anything like that from me. Those things don’t determine who we are and instead make us feel terrible about ourselves.”