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If we had to count on two hands how many times Kanye West said something a little off the wall, we’d run out of fingers pretty quickly. Remember when West tried to give David Letterman political advice, only to admit he’d never voted? Or maybe you’re still stung by the time he said he was 50% more influential than Pablo Picasso.

So when West recently offered advice to college students, we had to dive in and find out just what he said.

A captive audience of students

Kanye West attends the Versace fall 2019 fashion show.
Kanye West | Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

West was invited to appear before 12,000 students during the Strength to Stand Conference held in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. This evangelical event is complete with Sunday services, choir performances, and inspirational speakers.

The event’s organizer, Scott Dawson, had a last-minute speaker opening because the originally booked comedian, John Crist, had to bow out due to “moral failure.” Whom did Dawson get to replace Crist? Kanye West.

This is not Kanye West’s first time being a ‘conduit for God’

West has always been forthcoming about his faith. So agreeing to speak at an evangelical event isn’t far-fetched for him.

Back in 2006, he told Rolling Stone he felt compelled to speak out against homophobia because God commissioned him to do so. He told Fader in 2008 that he felt God had chosen him to be a “voice and connector” and likened himself to a vessel for God.

Kanye West’s faith-based advice for college students

Sharing a personal journey and life lessons are often considered inspirational. West stepped up to do just that and discussed his past tribulations with the student audience.

He announced to the 12,000 college students that the devil almost had him, mentioning his experience with drug addiction. His core message to them was that Jesus saved his life.

The “Jesus Is King” rapper also chimed in during the event’s choir performances. As the 135 gospel singers hit their notes, West offered sentiments such as: “I stretch my hands to you/Father I stretch” and “Do you know the good news? Jesus can save a wretch like me.”

He also joined in for various other songs, including “Selah,” “Follow God,” and “Jesus Is King.”

Kanye West’s ongoing faith-based crusade

His message to this group wasn’t isolated. West spent the day before at a 10-hour prayer rally in Arizona. There he shared his addiction stories with the attendees for the Awaken 2020 event. He went on to advise the audience to “tell the devil we’ll no longer be his slave.”

The question remains: Is he really looking to share the word of God, or is this part of a grander plan to spotlight his Sunday Service launch? West’s Sunday Service is a social media-based religion where Christianity, fashion, and music come together in a way only West can mash up.