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Lights, camera, action. Kate Middleton announced her cancer diagnosis with a video clip, and it seems she’s poised to re-enter public life with another one. A source claimed the Princess of Wales, who is on a continued break from royal duties as she undergoes cancer treatment, will return to public life after releasing a video. 

Kate’s tapped to record another video before stepping out publicly

While questions surrounding Kate’s return swirl, a source has claimed she’ll resume public appearances only after releasing another video similar to her March 2024 announcement.  

As the source told OK, it won’t necessarily be an easy thing to do for Kate. “Even that will be nerve-wracking,” they said. Why? Because she “has been subjected to so many conspiracy theories since she got sick.” (Speculation reached a fever pitch in the weeks leading up to Kate’s announcement.)

“Who knows what people will come up with next?” they continued. “It’s sad because she could do a lot of good if she visited fellow cancer patients as [King] Charles [III] did recently.” 

Kate’s father-in-law kicked off his return to making public appearances in April 2024 by visiting a cancer treatment center alongside Queen Camilla

Kate, they continued, is “under an enormous amount of pressure to get back to public service. But it’s also understandable that she’d want to stay in hiding.”

Kate will be ‘under the intense glare of the spotlight’ when she returns

Kate Middleton, who will reportedly film a video before returning to work and public life, on Christmas Day 2023 holding flowers.
Kate Middleton | Stephen Pond/Getty Images

While Kensington Palace hasn’t shared a timeline for Kate’s return at the time of writing, one thing’s almost guaranteed to happen when she does eventually head back to life in the public eye: lots of scrutiny. 

“She’s been away so long that she’ll be under the intense glare of the spotlight—people will be analyzing every tiny detail of her appearance,” the insider said. 

As it stands, Kate hasn’t made an official public appearance in nearly six months, not since walking to church on Christmas Day 2023. The only palace-sanctioned glimpse of her has come in the form of an edited family photo for U.K. Mother’s Day in March 2024.  

Kate, they added, “wouldn’t want to show up looking anything less than her best. Everyone has always expected her to be perfect at all times.” For now, Kate’s “still recovering, and her doctors haven’t given her the green light to get back to work full-time yet.” 

“Going through chemotherapy has been particularly rough on her,” the source noted, saying Kate’s “very frail and afraid she won’t be able to give her all to an official engagement right now.” 

Kate called the cancer diagnosis a ‘huge shock’ in her March 2024 announcement video

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Kate announced her cancer diagnosis in a rare video statement on March 22, 2024. Sitting on a bench at Windsor Castle, the 42-year-old told the world following her January 2024 abdominal surgery, tests came back positive for cancer. 

Like her father-in-law before her, Kate didn’t disclose the type or stage of the cancer. However, she did say that the news came as a “huge shock.” 

In the just over two-minute video, she outlined how she and Prince William needed time not only to process the news but to explain it to their three children, Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6.

Kate went on to say she’d recently started preventative chemotherapy and that she was “getting better every day.” She concluded by asking for “time, space, and privacy” as she focused “on making a full recovery.”