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As the future queen consort, Katherine, Duchess of Cambridge has been in the spotlight since before she was married to Prince William. Just about everything that she says and does is analyzed and critiqued, from the jewelry that she chooses to wear to how she parents her three young children.

Kate talks in front of a crowd on a regular basis, and part of her role as the Duchess of Cambridge is to constantly be leading by example, something that she is absolutely excellent at doing. Over the years, Kate has been involved in charity work and causes that are important to her, Prince William, and the rest of the royal family, all the while knowing that millions of people around the world are intently watching.

More often than not, Kate is under pressure to be perfect. And, so far, she hasn’t disappointed anyone.

Now that she is the mother of a little girl, it is only natural the duchess wants her to be the best that she can, which is why a body language expert is now saying that Kate is raising Princess Charlotte to be a strong female leader. Let’s take a closer look.

Kate Middleton as a royal mom

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton | Facundo Arrizabalaga – Pool /Getty Images

It seems like it wasn’t too long ago that Kate was what is known as a “commoner,” living a typical life with her family in Berkshire, England. She became well known when she became involved in a serious relationship with Prince William and rose to unimaginable levels of fame when the couple got married in 2011.

Before long, the duke and duchess announced that they were expecting their first child, and suddenly, Kate was one of the most-watched moms in the entire world. It was as if Kate was destined to be a mother on top of everything else. According to Popsugar, after the birth of Prince George came Princess Charlotte, and finally the youngest Cambridge family member, Prince Louis.

Whenever royal fans see Kate interacting with her kids, everyone is always smiling and appearing as happy as can be. In fact, she is known to be an excellent, hands-on mom who loves to spend time with her children as much as possible.

Princess Charlotte is extremely strong-willed

Little Princess Charlotte may only be five years old, but that hasn’t stopped her from having a huge personality. Express reports that the young royal is confident and not afraid to let her feelings show, and it would appear that no one knows that as well as her parents.

Prince William has said in the past that his daughter is just “lovely,” and her parents have even shared how being bossy is one of her most dominant personality traits. From what we have seen of Princess Charlotte over the years, she is comfortable with her position in the public eye.

Although she is likely too young to understand just how famous she really is, we are sure that the princess will one day carry out royal duties with the same grace that Kate does now.

Kate Middleton is raising Princess Charlotte to be a strong female leader


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Princess Charlotte is one of the youngest royals in the entire family, so how can fans already tell that she is all set to be a strong leader? It all has to do with Kate and the example that she is setting for her daughter.

According to Express, the Cambridge family recently participated in the weekly U.K. Clap for our Carers. When they appeared on their doorstep, Charlotte was the first one out, and immediately began clapping before anyone else.

Body language expert Alison Ward said that the princess “couldn’t wait to do her job and start off the clapping” and that she was eager to do her part and stand out in front of everyone.

““The royal couple are clearly teaching her the importance of following a job through and doing it well to be of service to the nation,” said Alison Ward.

At one point, notes Ward, Princess Charlotte looks back to see if her family is following her. Ward says: “Princess Charlotte looks behind her to check her at one point to check her family are all doing a good job of clapping and following her lead.”

Ward says Princess Charlotte’s calm demeanor highlights that she is being raised to be a strong female leader.