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As Kate Middleton steps forward together into the public eye and continues her cancer recovery, the princess takes cues from the late Queen Elizabeth. She and Prince William are setting up a basis for the relationship they will need as William, someday, takes over as the United Kingdom’s king and Kate recovers from cancer.

Kate Middleton and Prince William lean into Queen Elizabeth’s strength during cancer crisis

Royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith spoke to People Magazine regarding how Kate Middleton and Prince William are handling her cancer diagnosis. Bedell Smith believes the Prince and Princess of Wales are leaning into the strength of the late Queen Elizabeth during this time.

The biographer told the publication, “To use the late Queen’s language, they are each other’s strength and stay for all these years. She will continue to be a real source of strength for him as he prepares to be the next King.”

She continues, “But since this befell them, he has been a huge support for her — not only behind closed doors but also in going out in public and carrying out his job. Watching the two of them on the palace balcony, you could see their bond — and their bond with the children.”

Trooping the Color brought the royal family together for the first time in months

Kate Middleton rides in a carriage during Trooping the Color 2024.
Kate Middleton rides in a carriage during Trooping the Color 2024 | Karwai Tang/WireImage

Kate Middleton ‘Struggled’ With Cancer Treatment, Says Royal Expert: ‘It’s Not a Pleasant Thing’

Trooping the Color 2024 was the first time all the senior royals working together were together in one place since Christmas 2023. While they have all worked separately, King Charles and Kate Middleton have been missing from key events since January.

Both Kate and Charles were diagnosed with cancer within weeks of the other. Subsequently, they both received cancer treatments that kept them out of the royal spotlight for an extended period.

Therefore, it was with great joy that the current roster of senior royals came together on June 15 to celebrate King Charles’ birthday parade. The event was even more significant due to the generational aspect of their appearances.

“There were three generations there,” says Bedell Smith. “It was a perfect way for Kate to reenter the public sphere at this event, which is so full of tradition going back hundreds of years and is a symbol of the continuity of the royal family.”

Kate’s participation in the event was to support the monarchy. As she will someday be queen, it was vital for her to be seen after months out of the public eye.

Kate Middleton is ‘doing the best she can’

A source close to the royal household told People Magazine about Kate Middleton’s recovery. The source said that Kate Middleton is “doing the best she can.”

“She has been doing what’s right for her and recovering privately at home,” the source revealed. “She is dealing with it the best she can.”

That sentiment appeared to be echoed in a statement shared by the princess herself in an Instagram post on June 14. “I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days. On those bad days, you feel weak and tired, and you have to give in to your body resting. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well.”

“I am learning how to be patient, especially with uncertainty. Taking each day as it comes, listening to my body, and allowing myself to take this much-needed time to heal,” she concluded.

Kate Middleton remains in recovery and treatment from cancer. Prince William continues his forward-facing duties for the royal family.