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After Kensington Palace announced Kate Middleton underwent abdominal surgery in January 2024, speculation regarding her health ran rampant. It reached a fever pitch after the Princess of Wales wasn’t seen publicly for over two months.

Kate became the center of conspiracy theories about her health and the punchline of many jokes. A royal author says how Kate was publicly treated before she revealed she had cancer was “morally wrong” as she’s not “public property” and is entitled to privacy.

Kate Middleton was held to a higher standard

Royal author Gareth Russell spoke to GB News about Kate Middleton’s treatment before and after revealing she had cancer. He believes the princess should be entitled to as much privacy as private citizens.

Russell also feels Kate was forced to speak out about her health. He adds she shouldn’t bow down to public pressure to reveal future details.

He said, “Anything is possible. If the Princess of Wales decides to make another video, that is entirely within her right. I would hope that no member of the British royal family would feel obligated to go on camera, especially while they are battling one of the most severe illnesses imaginable, solely to reassure scandal mongers and gossip mongers in the United States.”

Russell continued, “The speculation about the Princess of Wales earlier this year was abhorrent. Some of it was truly heinous; there’s no other word for it than morally wrong. It is worth remembering that public figures are not public property.”

Was Kate Middleton forced to address her health publicly?

After almost two months of speculation and rumors regarding her health, Kate Middleton released a video at the end of March 2024. The princess revealed she had cancer, was receiving treatment, and needed privacy for her family.

“The Princess of Wales was always going to make an announcement about her health like she did earlier this year,” Gareth Russell shared. “I don’t believe she did so simply because several late-night chat shows decided her health was a punchline.”

“So it’s possible that the Princess of Wales will make another announcement,” Russell shares. “But I hope very much that is up to her.” He believes the speculation “by people who should know better” doesn’t mean those in the public eye should reveal personal health information if they don’t care to.

The author added: “It was very interesting to see just how thin the hypocrisy is on social media about a woman’s right to her body and a woman’s right to privacy. All the things that have been campaigned for so importantly were all of a sudden completely stripped away by people online.”

Kate’s video wasn’t the first time she opened up about her health


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By directly addressing her cancer diagnosis, Kate Middleton broke the protocol of generations of royals who remained silent on their health matters. However, this wasn’t the first time she opened up about her health.

Kate was the first royal to discuss the problematic morning sickness she endured during her three pregnancies. Before delivering Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, Kate experienced Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

It was revealed the condition caused the princess to experience severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and dehydration. She addressed the condition in a podcast interview, per the BBC.

She revealed the condition made her “not the happiest of pregnant people.” However, Kate found a method to try to help with some of the side effects of the condition.

“I saw the power of it really, the meditation and the deep breathing and things like that, that they teach you in hypnobirthing when I was really sick, and actually I realized that this was something I could take control of, I suppose, during labor. It was hugely powerful.”

Since revealing she has cancer in a video, Kate Middleton remains out of the public eye. It is unclear as to when she will return to public duties.