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Kate Middleton’s “walks with a swagger,” not “arrogance.” A body language expert says the Princess of Wales demonstrated big strides, both literally and figuratively, in her confidence during the Rugby World Cup. Along the way, the 41-year-old looked “very much reminiscent” of Princess Diana, her late mother-in-law. 

Kate watched England play in the Rugby World Cup on Oct. 15 

In the stands at the Stade de Marseille in France, cheering on England in the quarter-final of the 2023 Rugby World Cup on Oct. 15, 2023, was Kate. Not only did she root for England, who beat Fiji 30 to 24, but she also greeted some of the players after the match. 

Kate’s appearance came one day after her husband, Prince William, supported Wales as they faced off against Argentina and less than a month after the mother of three made another Rugby World Cup appearance

The Prince and Princess of Wales are both rugby patrons. William’s patron of the Welsh Rugby Union and has been since 2016. As for Kate, the late Queen Elizabeth II named her patron of England’s RFU in 2022 after taking over the position from Prince Harry. 

Kate’s ‘massive level of confidence’ showed at the rugby match with ‘a lot of self-assurance’

Heading to France alone for the rugby match was no problem for Kate. Body language expert Darren Stanton, who analyzed the royal’s movements, saw only a “natural” and “confident” Kate. 

“The thing about Kate Middleton is that she’s developed such a massive level of confidence and inner belief,” Stanton said on behalf of Betfair Slots. “So you put her in any situation, and she’ll be her natural self.” 

“If we look at how the Princess of Wales has evolved, she used to be pretty quiet and downplay a lot of things,” he continued. “Whereas she handles things with a lot of self-assurance nowadays.” 

Take, for instance, Kate’s walk. “In terms of how she walks, she walks with a swagger,” the body language expert said. “In some context, that could mean arrogance, but not with her. It shows confidence as she doesn’t look back at who is with her.”

“If she’s with William, she’s not checking on him, which is something Charles tends to do with Queen Camilla,” he said. “With Kate, she takes big strides, which is related to inner confidence. She doesn’t make any nervous gestures.” 

“We sometimes still see the likes of William and Harry put their hands in their jacket, which is a self-reassurance gesture,” Stanton added. “We never see any sort of insecurity or distress signals from Kate. All her gestures are very deliberate and positive.”

Kate Middleton resembled Princess Diana at the Rugby World Cup by being ‘naturally herself’  

Kate Middleton greets an England player at the 2023 Rugby World Cup
Kate Middleton and Manu Tuilagi | Dan Mullan/Getty Images
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Not only did Kate walk with confidence at the rugby match, but she also channeled Diana, according to Stanton. 

“Kate was very much reminiscent of Princess Diana during the engagement,” he said. “Diana never played on the fact she was a royal, she was naturally herself, and Kate is very similar. In a number of these photos, we saw true emotions of happiness and joy in her facial expressions. She is genuinely happy to meet people from all walks of life, and she always treats people with dignity and respect.” 

I can’t think of a time when I’ve looked at Kate and noticed she’s faking an emotion or smile,” he added. “What you see is what you get.”

Showbiz Cheat Sheet acknowledges conditions and cultures can impact body language and is sensitive to all backgrounds.