Katharine Hepburn Perfectly Shot Back at Barbara Walters For Questioning Her Fashion Choices
In 1941’s The Philadelphia Story she played Tracy Samantha Lord, and in The Lion in Winter she took the screen as Eleanor of Aquitaine. Throughout her remarkable career, Katharine Hepburn appeared in over 50 films and became one of the country’s most beloved movie stars.
Though Hepburn became famous through her craft of acting, the star was also celebrated and remembered for her sense of style.
A look back at Katharine Hepburn’s legendary fashion choices
In many ways, Hepburn was ahead of her time. The actor’s fans and followers probably can recall her unique sense of style that embodied an androgynous vibe. Blazers, collared shirts, and loafers were just a few of the star’s surprising staples. However, Hepburn’s trademark look involved pants. Despite being a fashion trailblazer, not everyone loved it.
At the time, much of society still valued the traditional perspective of what a woman should look and act like. That said, for some, Hepburn was a bit of a shock to the system.
RKO Radio Pictures, one of the studios Hepburn worked with, was so put off by her fashion decisions that they hid her pants. Unwilling to give in to the status quo, Hepburn walked around on sets in her underwear until the clothing was returned. BuzzFeed‘s feature highlighted an interesting anecdote that showcased both Hepburn’s style and personality.
Katharine Hepburn once perfectly shot back at Barbara Walters for questioning her fashion choices
As she was a movie star, Hepburn was no stranger to being in the spotlight. However, unlike many of her co-stars and celebrity peers, she was often in the line of fire regarding her wardrobe.
This seemed to be the case in the infamous interview Hepburn did with Barbara Walters back in the ’80s. Walters, a world-famous journalist, sat down with the actor and when Hepburn’s fashion came up, Walter’s asked her, “Do you ever wear a skirt?”
After Hepburn admitted to owning one, Walters, surprised, asked again for confirmation. A topic she was often scrutinized for and sensing Walter’s sarcasm, Hepburn didn’t waste any time shooting back. In true star style, Hepburn assured Walters she would wear the skirt to the journalist’s funeral.
A closer look at Katherine Hepburn and Barbara Walters’ unforgettable friendship
Due to the nature of her career, Walters has met some of the most notorious and renowned people in the world. Henry Kissinger, Ringo Starr, and Michael Jackson are just a few of the legendary individuals Walters has spoken with on-screen over the years.
Katharine Hepburn was another icon Walters got to sit down with, and the actor left quite the impression. First and foremost, Hepburn made Walters work for the interview. After many pleas, Hepburn finally gave in and agreed to do the interview on her terms.

In her book, Audition: A Memoir, Walters revealed that she was running late for their very first meeting. When she finally arrived, Hepburn famously asked Walters, “Have you brought me chocolates?”
Walters admired Hepburn’s independence and the star’s ability to be opinionated. Walters even shared that she wished Hepburn could have been her mentor in life. The two seemed to have a genuine connection. Influential women like Hepburn were inspirational role models for Walters and many others.
Sadly, at the age of 96, Hepburn died in 2003. But the star’s legend and reputation live on.